Bollywood actresses are currently smitten with new amazing trend. It’s flaunting their baby bumps! After Kareena Kapoor Khan, Lisa Haydon. Soha Ali Khan, it is time that actress Celina Jaitly also joins the bandwagon. Fans have always love to watch this Bollywood divas slay despite being heavily pregnant. Kareena Kapoor Khan took the style to a different level altogether! Now, Celina Jaitly also shared a picture to an entertainment portal which will leave you in awe. Celina posed on a beach wearing a floral bikini flaunting her baby bump with grace. The pic was clicked by her beau Peter Haag. Celina also has a special reason to share such picture out in public! Read on…
While revealing to the portal, she said, “My reason to share this picture in a bikini during my pregnancy is because I believe it is very important to break the stereotypes associated, with pregnancy specially when it comes to us – Indian women. What I learnt so far in two twin pregnancies is to trust our body by finding exercises and food which nourishes both our body and our soul with the realisation of the fact that beauty, health and strength come in all sizes.”
She also further emphasized on how she feels important to become the role model. She elaborated, “So despite the not so glamorous impacts that come along with the blessings of a twin pregnancy on ones body, it was very important for me to be a role model who radiates confidence, self-respect and friendliness for other adults and children in our size-oriented society that also believes in preconceived stereotypes about how pregnant Indian women should conduct themselves and their pregnancies.”
Well, we really like that the Bollywood stars are doing their bit to bring some change in the traditional norms of the society. What are your thoughts on Celina’s latest post? We would like to read your reaction in the comment section below.