NewZNew (Mumbai) : Actor Salman Khan, who celebrated his 49th birthday on December 27 at his Panvel farmhouse, spent the day predictably with his family and friends. But here’s what made his birthday as Dabangg as the star himself.
Salman’s elaborate guest list saw the likes of Priyanka Chopra, Karan Johar, Sonakshi Sinha, Daisy Shah, along with his Bigg Boss buddies like Gauahar Khan, Kushal Tandon, Deepshikha Nagpal, Soni Singh and Sukiriti Kandpal.
But it was what happened after cutting the cake which truly made his birthday spectacular. The actor’s father, writer Salim Khan, excited about his son’s special day fired shots in the air to mark Salman’s day Dabangg style.
Salman was the perfect host interacting with his guests and having the time of his life. Like always the huge Khan-daan spent the day merrily, much like a Sooraj Barjatya film!