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5th edition of 21 Gun Salute International Vintage Car Rally & Concours Auto Show will be held on 21st and 22nd February 2015

Singapore & Malaysia Vintage Car Club to showcase collectors cars in Delhi’s 21 Gun Vintage Car Rally

One of the precious automobile on display would be the first car invented by Karl Friedrich Benz, pioneering founder of the automobile manufacturer Mercedes-Benz

New Delhi : The 5th edition of 21 Gun Salute Vintage car rally will be a glorious stepping stone as several international vintage car clubs have expressed their desire to be a part of India’s most prestigious vintage car extravaganza. the collectors pride ie 1936 DAIMLER SPORTS COUPE, 1952 DAIMLER DB 18 DHC, 1946 LINCON CONTINENTAL , 1935 AVON DHC, 1929, BUICK CONVERTIBLE and 1930 PACKARD 733 etc. In addition to above, 201 vintage cars, 50 vintage bikes carefully selected from a pool of over 3500 vintage cars across India, will be rolled down from Red Fort to Gurgaon on 21st February 2015.

[blockquote author=”Mr. Madan Mohan, Managing Director, 21 Gun Salute said” pull=”pullright”]“This year the vintage car rally will be organized at a much larger scale and will be grander than the previous editions. The vision of the event is to place India at the global tourism map as the most attractive country when it comes to vintage cars and heritage motoring history. It aims at acquainting the youth to the rich heritage and culture of cars in India. We will be inviting several international car clubs and royal families from across the country, who will be bringing their cars to participate in this mile stone event. Great food amazing music and lots and lots of vintage cars and bikes will make this event truly magnificent affair to remember”[/blockquote]

Confirming the participation of The Malaysia Singapore Vintage Car club  Mr Madan Mohan told, “ The 5th edition of 21 Gun Salute International Vintage Car Rally & Concours Auto show will be probably the first vintage show, where vintage cars will be coming across boundaries of Indian subcontinent. The Malaysia Singapore Vintage Car club is one of such overseas vintage club who has confirmed their participation with 7 -8 vintage cars. “Besides, the vintage car clubs in UK, Srilanka, and Paris have expressed their desire to be a part of this historic vintage rally in India.”added Mr Madan Mohan

The rally will be flagged off from historic Red Fort Delhi on the morning of Saturday, 21st February, 2015 and pass through historic monuments like Rajghat, Teenmurti Marg. National art Gallery etc and culminate at Leisure Valley Park in Sector 29 Gurgaon. At the Culmination point, a grand reception will be organized to felicitate the participants and other guests. The entire caravan of vintage cars, vintage bikes and scooters participating in the rally will consummate as one of the biggest vintage car shows in India.

Organized in association with Heritage Motoring Club of India (HMCI) the renowned  international authorities in vintage cars who have lend their support to make this event truly a world class affair are Douglas Fox, General Secretary Malaysia Singapore Vintage Car Club, Ken Gross, Automotive writer from UK, Klause Muller etc.

The vintage drive will witness rare cars dating from pre war era of 1880s to the glorious time of 1960s, hailing from the exotic lands of United States, United Kingdom, and other countries of the world. Most of them were the unfathomed saloons and convertibles from the imperial houses of Rolls Royce, Stutz, Buick, Ford, Chevrolet, Austin Martin and Bentley. One of the precious automobile on display would be the first car invented by Karl Friedrich Benz, pioneering founder of the automobile manufacturer Mercedes-Benz.

A brain child of Mr Madan Mohan, one of the country’s  biggest  vintage car collector, the 5th edition of 21 Gun Salute vintage car rally will surely place India on the global map of vintage car events, with over 200 vintage cars & bikes set to roll over on Delhi and Gurgaon roads for a  52 km stretch.

CP Singh
CP Singhhttp://www.cpgrafix.in
I am a Graphic Designer and my company is named as CP Grafix, it is a professional, creative, graphic designing, printing and advertisement Company, it’s established since last 12 years.

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