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Bihar Board 10th result, BSEB compartmental result 2017 Declared! Check at www.biharboard.ac.in

BSEB has declared Bihar Board 10th compartmental result 2017 today, wherein 64.53% students have been declared pass. 1,49,703 students out of 2,34,244 who took the Matric compartmental exam 2017 have passed the exam. The link is given below.

BSEB 10th result 2017 of compartmental exam will be declared today by the Bihar School Examination Board. The Board will announce Class 10th compartment exam results for those students who took the compartmental exams this year. The Class 10th Compartmental exam was conducted from the 27th of July to the 31st of July across 329 centres in the State.

Bihar Board 10th compartmental result will be declared today

As per the reports, a total of 2,34,244 candidates appeared for the BSEB Class 10th Compartmental exam. This comprised of a total of 94,665 Boys and 1,38,688 Girl students. The annual result of Bihar Board 10th exams was very poor, due to which the number of students taking compartmental exam rose from previous years’ 1,65,645 students.

In addition to this, the BSEB also conducted the special exam for candidates who were not able to appear for the Class 10th Board exams held back in March. A total of 1,590 candidates wrote the special exam.

The BSEB had appointed one videographer per 500 centres to record the exams being conducted. This step was taken as the State has been in the limelight for cheating activities in the past few years.

Unlike previous years, the Bihar School Examination Board this year allowed the students to take the Compartment Exam in two subjects. Before this year the candidates were only allowed to take compartment exam in 1 subject. This also led to the increase in the number of students taking Bihar Board 10th compartmental exam.

BSEB had earlier conducted the annual Class 10th board exams in the month of March for over 17.6 lakh students. The result of Class 10th annual exam was announced on the 23rd June which revealed that 49.68% candidates (total 8,61,000 students) were unsuccessful in the exam. As per the practice, Bihar Board 10th result will be announced by BSEB and the same will be made available on the official result partner’s web portal IndiaResults.com.

To check Bihar Board 10th result 2017:

  • Visit the BSEB website www.biharboard.ac.in.
  • Click on the ‘Results’ link on the homepage and it will take you to BSEB’s page on IndiaResults.com.
  • Enter your roll number and other details and click on ‘Find Result’ tab.
  • The result will now be displayed.

While the time for announcement of Bihar Board 10th compartmental result was 3 pm, there is no update from the Board in this regard. Stay connected with newznew.com for more updates.

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