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Celebrate World AIDS Day 2015 Slogans Quotes Themes Activities Posters Images Pics


NewZNew (Chandigarh) : Celebrate World AIDS Day 2015 Slogans Quotes Themes Activities Posters Images Pics : Every year on 1st December worlds AIDS day is celebrated at all over world-wide since 1988. It is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) pandemic caused by the spread of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection, and mourning those who have died of the disease. Government and health officials, non-governmental organizations and individuals around the world observe the day. On this day education on AIDS prevention and control is spread to peoples. World AIDS Day is one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO), along with World Health Day, World Blood Donor Day, World Immunization Week, World Tuberculosis Day, World No Tobacco Day, World Malaria Day and World Hepatitis Day.

AIDS Day Slogans Quotes

  • “HIV/AIDS has no boundaries”.
  • “My play Safe Sex was picked apart because critics thought it was untrue. It was a play in which no one had AIDS, but the characters talked about how it was going to change their lives”.
  • “Small aids to individuals, large aid to masses”.
  • “AIDS is an absolutely tragic disease. The argument about AIDS’ being some kind of divine retribution is crap”.
  • “Give a child love, laughter and peace, not AIDS”.
  • “I know one man who was impotent who gave AIDS to his wife and the only thing they did was kiss”.
  • “If you judge people you have no time to love them”.
  • “Let us give publicity to H.I.V./AIDS and not hide it, because the only way to make it appear like a normal illness like TB, like cancer, is always to come out and say somebody has died because of H.I.V./AIDS, and people will stop regarding it as something extraordinary”.
  • “The AIDS is a disease that is hard to talk about”.
  • “I burned out on AIDS and did no AIDS work for a couple of years. I was so angry that people were still getting this disease that nobody can give you – you have to go out and get it”!
  • “My son has died of AIDS”.
  • “Because of the lack of education on AIDS, discrimination, fear, panic, and lies surrounded me”.
  • “You can’t get AIDS from a hug or a handshake or a meal with a friend”.
  • “This AIDS stuff is pretty scary. I hope I don’t get it”.

World AIDS Day 2015 Activities Themes

Number’s of activities are done on the day of World Aids day celebration to increase the awareness and distribute the message of the theme of particular year. It is very necessary to increase the awareness among people as they are the main target of the program. Some of the activities are written below:

  • Community based individuals and organizations should be contacted to plan the World AIDS Day activities, to organize a planned meeting. It can be well started from the local clinics, hospitals, social service agencies, schools, AIDS advocacy groups and etc.
  • A single event or sequence of independent events can be determined for better awareness by the speakers and exhibitors through the forums, rallies, health fairs, community events, faith services, parades, block parties and etc.
  • A public statement can be submitted to the agency board identifying the recognition for the World AIDS Day.
  • Red ribbons should be wore or distributed to others to mark the hope to the schools, work sites or community groups. Electronic ribbons can also be distributed to the social media outlets.
  • All the activities (like DVD showings and Aids prevention seminars) of businesses, schools, health care organizations, clergy and local agencies should be encouraged for their great work.
  • A candlelight vigil can be held at the public park or the nearest agency where singers, musicians, dancers, poets, story tellers and etc could distribute the message of Aids prevention through entertaining performances.
  • World AIDS Day information can be distributed by linking it to the web site of your agency.
  • All the planned events and activities should be already distributed through the e-mail, newsletters, mailings or electronic bulletins.
  • People can be aware by displaying the exhibitions, posters, videos, flyers, brochures for HIV/AIDS and etc.
  • World AIDS Day activities can be informed to a large group of people instantly through the blogs, Facebook, Twitter or through the other social media websites.
  • Actively contribute to the other groups of celebrating the World AIDS Day.
  • A candlelight celebration can be held in the memory of died person due to HIV/AIDS.
  • Religious leaders are encouraged to speak something for AIDS intolerance and dishonor.
  • A service can be started to provide the meals, shelter, transportation, companionship for the people with HIV/AIDS. They can also be invited in the social work, worship or other functions to increase their morality.
World Aids Day Theme From 1988 to 2015
2015 Getting to Zero
2014 “Getting to Zero”
2013 Getting to Zero
2012 “Getting to Zero”
2011 “Getting to Zero”
2010 “Universal Access and Human Rights”
2009 “Universal Access and Human Rights”
2008 “Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise – Lead – Empower – Deliver”
2007 “Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise – Leadership”
2006 “Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise – Accountability”
2005 “Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise”
2004 “Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS”
2003 “AIDS and Research”
2002 “Stigma and Discrimination”
2001 “I care. Do you?”
2000 “AIDS: Men Make a Difference”
1999 “Listen, Learn, Live: World AIDS Campaign with Children & Young People
1998 “Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign With Young People”
1997 “Children Living in a World with AIDS”
1996 “One World. One Hope”
1995 “Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities”
1994 “AIDS and the Family”
1993 “Act”
1992 “Community Commitment”
1991 “Sharing AIDS”
1990 “Women with AIDS”
1989 “Youth”
1988 “Communication”

AIDS Day Posters Images Pics










CP Singh
CP Singhhttp://www.cpgrafix.in
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