The project under the Rashtriya Uchhatar Shiksha Abhiyan was inaugurated at the D.A.V. College, Sector-10, Chandigarh today. Sh Rakesh Popli, Director Higher Education and Director State Project RUSA was the chief guest. The college was selected for Rs. 2 Crore grant under the RUSA infrastructure grant.

In the college campus, optical fiber connectivity of 1000 meter was installed. All the departments got connected with one gigabyte speed. The old EPBAX has been upgraded with the latest IPPBX telephonic system for fast connectivity. The students and faculty will enjoy the fastest WIFI facility in the college campus. The hostellers and day scholars will be provided internet facility free of cost. For better security latest high Definition IP Surveillance system covering the whole campus has also been one of the major facility upgraded in the college. The activities in the library are also now automated due to installation of Kiosk purchased under RUSA. The data card printer for making smart cards is one of the new feature useful for the students and staff.
Sh. Rakesh Popli, Chief Guest while inaugurating the Data cum Server room congratulated the college Principal, Dr. B C Josan for upgrading the system and getting college campus digitalized. He admired the Principal Dr B C Josan and Coordinator RUSA Dr Raman Soni for visionary approach and remarked that the college had set a benchmark in the digital technology. The other projects undergoing RUSA are near completion which included Handball court of international standard, renovation of visitor’s room of girl’s and boy’s hostel.