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Faculty Development Workshop ‘mind development’ organized in collaboration with IYF at Chitkara University

Chitkara University in collaboration with International Youth fellowship organized a Faculty Development workshop on Mind development for the faculty. In this one day workshop the faculty members were taught the importance of mind education by a group of experts from IYF. The aim behind the workshop was to awaken the innate powers of mind, to improve speed, to raise introspective awareness and to remain mindful at all the times.

Through times of increasing demand, change and uncertainty it becomes very important for us to channelize ourselves towards the right direction and thus it is essential for us to develop our minds in such a way that solutions to life continual parade of problems are readily apparent. University keeps on organizing such development programs to support its faculties and students to create a happy and contented environment.

Dr. Cho Gyu Yeun the Chief speaker and Chairman of International Mind Education Institute envisaged on how having the right mindset can lead to better results in life and explained how power in the hands of those with selfish propagandas can cause violence and destruction whereas the same power when wielded wisely and judicially can cause a change for the better. We wish to mould such leaders who possess the mindset of ‘You First’ instead of ‘Me First’.

Chitkara University provides countless opportunities to get active and involved, engaged and enriched, and to become part of diverse community of people who work together to make an impact on the future and have fun in the present. University keeps on inviting experts from renowned and accredited institutions across the globe to help students and faculty members to understand diverse cultural and educational contexts.

University believes that engaging with these organizations provides personal growth and enhances the life’s experiences. The participatory interactive workshop included role plays in small groups, ideas and icebreakers, activities with the faculty members followed by a Q &A session. The participants were enthralled by live performance by Rio Montana Band members, Mr Kim Junho and Mr. Kim Yeohno from Korea.

Dr. Varinder Kanwar, Registrar, Chitkara University said,”mind education lectures educate the hearts of people to learn the value of self-control and happiness and thus creating a much better environment in the workplace and building leaders with bright & clean hearts.”

CP Singh
CP Singhhttp://www.cpgrafix.in
I am a Graphic Designer and my company is named as CP Grafix, it is a professional, creative, graphic designing, printing and advertisement Company, it’s established since last 12 years.

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