Mr Hostel was selected Paramvir of Mechanical Engineering whereas Ms Hostel was Aashu of Architecture
Indo Global Colleges organized Hostel Night for Hostel Students. The event was full of activities. Organization Committee of the students of Indo Global coordinated the whole event. The function started with a Group Dance by Subhasree, Vanshika, Moulshree students of Architecture. Students presented a colorful Cultural Program which included Bhangra, Giddha, Naati, Western dance, Punjabi dance, Fusion, Act, Folk dance, solo song, solo dance etc. Manipuri dance, Nepali dance and Jammu and Kasmir students also presented music of their culture. Fashion show was the eye catching event of the function.
Students wore different dresses & demonstrated their culture in the show. Mr Hostel was selected Paramvir of Mechanical and Ms Hostel was Aashu of Architecture. Mr Stylish at the moment was Faizaan of CSE 3rd Year & Ms Stylish was Bela of CSE 3rd Year
Manav Singla ,CEO, Indo Global shared his memories with the students when he student and encouraged the students to live each moment of their life in their college life .He also told the importance of making balance of studies and extra-curricular activities .
While speaking on the occasion, Sukhdev Kumar Singla, Chairman of Indo Global Colleges said that besides studies, extra co-curricular activities are also important. They help in the overall development of the students.