NGO to aid in implementing NEP in City: NGO T.H.E.N (The Higher Education Network) today held its expert committee meeting to deliberate on its plan to strengthen career counselling and vocational training in Chandigarh government schools and colleges, to start with in collaboration with the education department.
The campaign, which would be aimed to implement the National Education Policy (NEP) , will be taken to other cities at a later stage.
An open house was organised today and a team of experts gave their views. Working groups have been made for successful implementation of the initiative by NGO. Activities planned were discussed and it was decided to approach the principals of schools and colleges and the Panjab University Vice-Chancellor.
Dr. Ruchi Uppal, President T.H.E.N shared her insight on how together we can make a difference by empowering the young kids, who are the future of the nation. Career counselling will be the first tool to identify the requirements of students, career choices and skill match.
“Our agenda is to facilitate institutions with National Education Policy which has not yet been implemented. We aim to bridge this gap. In the coming year we want to engage students of universities and colleges with collaborative online projects and blended Intensive programmes at global level to add more interdisciplinary values in their curriculum for better job prospects”, she said.
In schools, the NGO will do career mapping & counselling, besides holding talk shows, vocational skills and training in schools by experts. “We aim to work on dropouts of the city at marginalised level”, added Dr. Uppal.
She added, “’We would be reaching out to college and university students giving them seminars sensitising them, making them student members of THEN to set an example for the government to implement and participate.”
This will empower, engage and help students excel in their career and become an asset for the society and country. Our intent is to increase employability, reduce stress and enhance mental wellbeing through holistic development.
Dr. JK Sharma, who is also the advisor of the NGO, welcomed the members with a note on the importance of education and its development. Dr. H.S Cheema, MD of Cheema Boilers was the guest of honour who shared his mantra of success. Experts as Chairs of Working Groups took charge for executing the annual agenda
THEN envisions to direct students’ employability gap and for 2024 -2025 to bridge the gap by at least impacting lives of students, sustaining innovation & entrepreneurship by educating students on fundamentals will be an additional step towards student development.
Manwinder S Bamrah Treasurer said it’s a prerequisite to add life skills to the curriculum . Archit Oberoi, Vice President being an MNC professional focused on Industry Grooming as the gap between real education and industry requirement needs to be bridged.
The team of experts of the NGO Experts Committee, include Amardev Singh, Assistant Professor Entrepreneurial Department & Industrial Coordination (EDIC), NITTTR; Dr. J.K Sharma Chairman Start up Forum & Convenor IPFC Steering Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industries Ex-Chief Project Officer, IIT Ropar; and Urvashi Khanna Research Scholar UGC NET Qualified; Mohit Verma, Assistant Professor Department of Police and Public Administration, Sector 42 Post Graduate College of Girls; Ekant Aggarwal (Ekant Associates Legal & Start Up consultant); Poonam Deewan communication coach; Aarsh Puri Thoughts & Beyond ; Ekta Parijai Genius (Climate & Mother Earth); Sapna (Legal Advisor& Women Entrepreneur.