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Security System Infrastructure of India set to get revolutionized

NewZNew (National) : Biomatiques Identification Solutions Pvt. Ltd’s revolutionary range of products stands as an ultimate source in security and access control. The Iris Recognition devices introduced by Biomatiques come with a low percentage of FAR – False Acceptance Rate & FRR – False Rejection Rate.

Iris recognition uses random textures that are visible in the eye, using the eye to confirm someone’s identity. Unlike voice, fingerprints & facial structure, iris patterns have far more random patterns. An algorithm is created to map the iris, and then the random patterns which are formed are used to create a unique bar code which is unique for every individual. The probability of duplication for voice recognition  is 1 in 500, facial recognition – 1 in 1000, fingerprint –  1 in 10,000, Apple touch ID –  1 in 50,000, Iris recognition  – 1 in  15,00,000.




“In today’s times, hacking systems or breaking security codes has become quite easy.  With the right tools anyone can fake an identity and get access. It is not difficult to steal an access card, to crack a security code, to fake a voice or finger print. Even getting entry in a secure access area or getting access to a bank, email account or social networking account is not such a tough nut to crack. Our eye opening breakthrough technology of Iris recognition is set to replace the fingerprint technology.” says Mr. Tamaal Roy, CEO of Biomatiques.

The latest range of iris scanners will be useful in day to day lives. It can be fixed outside the door and used for key less entry. It can double up as additional security for mobiles and personal computers and even apps, email clients and social networking websites. Iris Recognition Technology eradicates manual validation and proxies, encourages punctuality and efficiency in schools and organizations where capturing attendance is mandatory. It can be further used for forensic & criminal investigation, for security checks at airports and border security.  It can also be useful at data centers, labs, hospitals, banks and utility centers.

Biomatiques has ensured that with the advancement in technology, the cost of Iris devices are brought down to the cost of finger print technology. This technology has paved the way for affordable security solutions and identification assurance in India.

CP Singh
CP Singhhttp://www.cpgrafix.in
I am a Graphic Designer and my company is named as CP Grafix, it is a professional, creative, graphic designing, printing and advertisement Company, it’s established since last 12 years.

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