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Tag: calicut university trial allotment result 2017

Calicut University 4th degree allotment 2017 released ugcap.uoc.ac.in

Calicut University has released the fourth allotment results today for admission to degree programmes. The 4th degree allotment was published here in the morning but the official website seems to be working slow, for that, candidates may have some patience and visit the site...

Calicut University first allotment 2017 degree results out at cuonline.ac.in

newznew (Chandigarh) : Calicut University first allotment 2017 and University of Calicut degree allotment 2017 results have been declared it’s Undergraduate (UG) admissions 2017-18 which are being done through Centralised Admission Process (CAP). Calicut University first allotment 2017 results were uploaded here on the...