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CME to Empower Rural Medical Officers held in tricity

As many as 300 doctors across North India participated in Cardiopulse 2018– an annual CME which was organized by Max Hospital, Mohali in collaboration with Association of Rural Medical Officers, Punjab and IMA Punjab at a hotel here today.

The CME deliberated on the latest developments in the field of various heart ailments including heart attacks, heart failure, rhythm disorders which are assuming epidemic proportions. The various new modalities and treatments to tackle these menace also discussed.

Among others, Dr KK Talwar, former PGI director and  presently chairman cardiac sciences at Max, Dr Sudheer Saxena, director Max and Dr T P Singh, associate director, cardiology, Dr Roopa Salwan, senior director, Max Saket took part in the CME. Sandeep Dogra, senior VP & zonal head, Max Hospitals, Punjab and Dr Jatinder Kansal, president IMA Punjab were also presented during occasion.

Talking to media on the side-lines of CME ,Dr Sudheer Saxena said that, heart disease form the number one non-communicable diseases in Punjab and are responsible for majority of deaths primarily due to non-availability of tertiary medical care especially in rural areas. The Rural Medical Officers (RMOs) are the doctors who are the principal healthcare providers for the millions of these Indians residing in the villages and smaller towns of the country. They are also the point of first contact for majority of the patients.

He said further, medicine is an ever evolving science with newer developments reported on the daily basis globally and this knowledge needs to be shared with the primary care doctors as well.

“Chronic heart failure is increasing by leaps and bounds. Till a few years back these patients had very high mortality and very poor quality of life due to heart failure. Fortunately, the advances in drug and device therapy is helping these patients lead a near normal life in 2018.”

Dr Talwar said, as we move into 2018, newer and better guidelines and updates on treatment protocols are available which need to be disseminated to primary and secondary care-givers. Cardiopulse,2018 is a step in this direction. This will empower the RMOs with the latest advances in the field of Cardiology which in turn would enable them to render healthcare in a much better and refined way thereby helping millions of patients.”

Sandeep Dogra said, a wide range of cardiology topics including management of acute heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, newer antiplatelet therapy, pulmonary arterial hypertension, acute and chronic congestive heart failure were discussed in CME.

CP Singh
CP Singhhttp://www.cpgrafix.in
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