Davesh Moudgil, Mayor of Chandigarh alongwith all councilors of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh today met with Sh. V.P. Singh Badnore, Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh over the issue of financial crunch in MCC.
The delegation led by the Mayor discussed different important issues regarding improvement of financial health of the Municipal Corporation. The delegation requested Administrator to provide special financial assistance of Rs. 150 crores to Municipal Corporation to execute the works of emergency nature like recarpeting of roads, construction of community centres, providing street lights to cover dark spots and other developmental works.
The Mayor & Councillors demanded that the recommendations of 4thfinance commission, 30% share of state revenue be given to the MCC to overcome the struggling position of its financial difficulties. They said that with the implementation of these recommendations of the fourth finance commission, share in taxes will help them meet their basic expenses and starting development work. In addition to that they also demanded transfer of Registering and Licensing Authority (RLA) to MCC.
The Mayor apprised the Administrator that the MCC is remained dependent on financial assistance provided by Chandigarh Administration in the shape of grant in aid while MCC’s own revenue is also being utilized to meet the day to day expenditure and other development works being undertaken by the civic body.
He said that the MCC is getting revenue from annual receipts approximately 170 crores including residential and commercial property tax; water connections and bills; booking of community centres; booking of open spaces; apni mandi & day market; providing space for construction materials; advertisements; auction of taxi stands; cable operators; car bazaar; enforcement penalties; auction of paid paking sites; fire department; rent from shops, tenement sites in various places. However, the revenue receipts were not sufficient to cope up with the financial crunch of MCC, the Mayor added.
The Mayor said that the MCC is providing various important facilities to the general public on no profit no loss basis including providing anti rabies vaccination in two dispensaries; providing baby kit to the mother and new born baby girls; provision of green fodder to the stray cattle in Gaushalas; setting up of dog sterilization centre in sector 38 west etc.
The delegation also raised the issue of allowing MCC to impose taxes as per gazette notification of Govt. of India and Municipal Corporation Act 1976 as extended to the Union Territory Chandigarh by the Punjab Municipal Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Act, 1994 which was beneficial for financial health of MCC.
The delegation requested the Administrator to intervene personally into the matter for releasing the amount of taxes collected by the Chandigarh Administration under section 90 (1) (g) a tax under the Punjab Entertainment tax (cinematograph shows) Act, 1954, as applicable to the Union Territory of Chandigarh to be collected from the proprietor of the premises where a public cinematograph exhibition is held within the local area of the city; and (h) a tax under the Punjab Entertainments duty Act 1955 as applicable to the Union Territory of Chandigarh to be collected from every person admitted to an entertainment within the local area of the city.
Similarly, according to section 90 (6) (a) (b) & (c) (a) under the Indian stamp Act 1899 on account of stamp duty on transfer of property situated within the local area of the city; (b) under the Punjab Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1924 as applicable to the Union Territory of Chandigarh, from every person keeping a motor vehicle within the local area of the city; (c) under the Punjab Electricity (duty) Act, 1958, on the energy supplied within the local area of the city.
The Mayor said that the Administrator ensured the delegation to look into all the issues and after discussing these points with the officers of Chandigarh Administration the same will be resolved at earliest.