NewZNew (Chandigarh) : Bharti Kapoor & Sharmita Bhinder the city based spiritual healer trainers have launched a NGO-EmPOWER under the aegis of Joy Lall Memorial Educational Society at Rotary Club, Chandigarh today. The NGO was launched by by Mr. Vijay Kumar Dev, Advisor to Administrator and Mrs. Sonia Dev.
The purpose of the NGO is to work with specially and differently able children. The NGO brand ambassadors are Manav Bhinder and Karanveer Singh who are specially able themselves.
Talking about concept behind EmPOWER, Mrs. Kapoor said that though there were many government and different NGO’s which were doing a commendable amount of work but we wanted to bring a different prospective and approach to it. The question, we wanted to ask was that where was special and disabled population in India especially in Chandigarh. We did not see them anywhere in public, nothing was done to make them independent and part of the social setup. We would never see them in parks, malls, shopping areas, movies because we lived in an unfriendly social set up which shun and hide them.
We wanted no charity and pity but to focus on ability not disability, asserted Mrs. Bhinder. We planned recreational events like shows, movies, carnivals for them and have fashions shows, parties where they could smile, laugh, dance, have fun and be themselves. We wanted UT administration and people to fund a center where people could work not only to make bags or candles but work on computers, online marketing, printing and designing at low costs benefiting the people and earning a livelihood.”
Manav Bhinder , a special child studying at Vivek High School, has made a tremendous progress with the support of his school and teachers. We wanted to create social acceptance awareness across the country. Interestingly, Manav and many others were showing miraculous development some less and some more but we have discovered a new channel where visibly we have seen various windows open up, said Mrs. Bhinder the proud mother of Manav.
The reason why Manav was the brand ambassador was that we planned to launch a blog showing activities of his development. He himself was very keen to voice of the children with special needs so that these children have confidence in ability and people seeing Manav and Karan have the courage to encourage children to live their lives to full potential, maintained Mrs. Bhinder.
Also a book club, Readers’ Buz, focussing on women, teenagers and special kids would hold activities like storytelling, puppetry, and props, encouraging local and Indian literature. We would read books together and focus on individual choices with presentation, informed Mr. Kapoor.
Meanwhile Mrs. Kapoor has established an ODE SCHOOL for special children in 1999 which has been been synonymous with educating a generation of successful special people since then. Mrs. Bhinder is in soft skill professional for the last 15 years.