Hostel Days Series Online (2022): Hoichoi announces the new web series based on the Boys hostel life titled Hostel Days. It is directed by Satyaki Kundu and Souvik Mondal. Anindya, Rohaan, Roshini, Arpan, Samrat, and Arnab are the lead cast in the series.
The makers have recently dropped the teaser of the series and the official streaming date. Watch Hostel Days web series episodes exclusively on Hoichoi.
Hostel Days Series Online (2022) Story
The plot of the series revolves around the group of hostel boys, who share their joyful moments in hostel and college life.
Hostel Days Series Online (2022) Cast
Check out the important lead cast of Hostel Days Hoichoi series,
- Anindya Sengupta
- Rohaan Bhattacharya
- Roshni Bhattacharyya
- Arpan Goshal
- Samrat Das
- Arnab Roy
Watch the official Hostel Days Web Series Teaser from Hoichoi,
How to Watch Hostel Days online
Hoichoi has acquired the streaming rights for Hostel Days Series. People can watch movies and series online on the platform. Here are the simple steps to watch Hostel Days series online.
Step 1: Download Hoichoi app on your phone (Available For Android & iOS)
Step 2: Login using your Hoichoi account, if not signup with your phone number
Step 3: Find the movie using the search icon
Step 4: Now, Tap on the Series poster to watch the Hostel Days online on Hoichoi
Hostel Days Series OTT Release Date, Timing, Languages
OTT Platform | Hoichoi |
OTT Release Date | November 25, 2022 |
OTT Release Timing | 12:00 am |
Languages | Bengali |
Resolutions | SD (up to 480p), HD (up to 720p), Full HD (up to 1080p) |
Type | Series |