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ICAR AIEEA UG, PG Results 2017 Declared Now, Check your roll number wise ranks and score online at icarexam.net

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has declared the ICAR AIEEA UG PG Result 2017 today at its official portal i.e www.icarexam.net. The candidates can now to know their All India Entrance Examination (AIEEA) Result 2017 by logging on the official page of the website by providing correct details. The aspirant applied for taking the admission to the Post Graduate and Undergraduate courses in Agriculture Research are curious to know their exam performance.

The ICAR AIEEA Results 2017 was earlier expected to be announced on June 30, which was later on rescheduled for today at the official page. Candidates are getting anxious as their results are delayed and they need to know about further counselling schedule as per their ranks achieved through the exam. Our experts have prepared some quick steps for the candidates to help them in getting their rank and score online within the stipulated time frame. 

Direct Link to Check Result

Steps to Check ICAR AIEEA UG, PG Result 2017

  1. Candidates should open the official website icarexam.net
  2. Go to the official website icarexam.net
  3. Enter the details like your name, roll number etc.
  4. Press submit and download result
  5. Take the printout of the result

ICAR AIEEA 2017 Result is declaring on 5th July 2017. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) conducts the entrance examination popularly known as All India Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA). This examination is basically organised for providing admission to undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

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