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ICWAI Declares Foundation, Intermediate, Final Examination June 2017 Results

Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICWAI) declared the ICWAI Foundation, Intermediate and Final examination results 2017 on Wednesday. These examinations were conducted in June this year. The results are available on the official website of ICWAI examination and results . Candidates can visit www.examicmai.in and www.examicmai.org to check the the results of ICWAI or ICMAI CMA foundation, final and intermediate results. Students will be required to log in to these websites using the examination registration details.

Upon visiting any of the two weblinks provided; www.examicmai.in and www.examicmai.org, the candidates can see three different sections labelled as Foundation result, Intermediate results and Final Result. They will require to click on the ‘Check you result online‘ option under each of these labels, based on which result they wish to see.

If the candidates click on Foundation result label, they will be taken to the following link:


They will be required to enter their Identification Number in the given space and click on the ‘view Result’ button.


  • For new registrations (after 2012) the Identification number format is (EF0000001234,SF0000000123,NF0000000123)
  • For old registrations (before 2012) the Identification number starts with Region Code (SFC/EFC/NFC/WFC) followed by 6 digit no.
  • Please add 0 if you have 3 digit no.(eg : SFC/000452)

Similarly clicking on the Intermediate results and Final Results, they will be taken to the following page.

Intermediate Results: http://examicmai.org/Result-J17/interresult.htm 

Final Results: http://examicmai.org/Result-J17/finalresult.htm

Here they will be prompted to enter their Registration Number and click on the ‘Display result’ button.


The results of ICMAI Foundation Term Examination, Intermediate Term Examination and Final Term Examination, which was held in December was declared by the ICWAI in February this year.

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