The Film Shareek is set in the village of Punjab and revolves around 2 Stepbrothers, Sardar Jaswant Singh Randhawa played by Jimmy Shergill, and Gurbaz Singh Randhawa by Dev Kharoud. The movie shows how ancestral land and the greed for possession become the root cause of hatred between both brothers. The movie is backed by a social family drama that promises to serve entertainment packed with strong human emotions.
The film stars Jimmy Sheirgill and Dev Kharoud in the Male Lead Role and Sharan Kaur in the Female lead role, along with an army of talented actors like Yograj Singh, Mukul Dev, Aman Satardhar, Mahavir Bhullar, Amar Noorie, Sunita Dhir, Anita Meet. The film is directed by Navaniat Singh and produced by Vivek Ohri, Gunbir Singh Sidhu, Manmord Sidhu and Daljit Thind.
Sharing his views, Actor Dev Kharoud said, “The movie has a very different storyline, with a different character. The movie is based upon real-life truths and gives one a strong message, and I am sure the audience will resonate with our efforts and attempt to tell the story. .I am hoping that my fans will like my movie, give a thumbs up, and garner me with the same love and support that they have bestowed upon me in the past. Lastly, I would like to thank the entire cast and crew of the movie for being supportive and cooperative from the very beginning and till the last day.”
Sharing views, Director, Navaniat Singh, said, “The movie is extremely thought -provoking and is based upon a true story, which will leave the audience speechless.”
All the members of the movie, right from the spot boys to lead actors, everyone has put their heart and soul into the movie. We hope this time also the movie gets the same amount of love and support.