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Mayor of Chandigarh, Arun Sood listed annual achievements of Municipal Corporation

newznew (Chandigarh) : Arun Sood, Mayor of Chandigarh today addressed a press conference regarding annual achievements of Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh in Hotel Shivalik, Sector 17, Chandigarh. Capt. Manoj Khatri, Joint Commissioner, N.P. Sharma, Chief Engineer, Sanjay Arora, Superintending Engineer, Public Health, MC and Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Asstt. Public Relations Officer, MC were present during the occasion.

img_20161229_130238-smallMayor of Chandigarh, Arun Sood listed annual achievements of Municipal Corporation

The following achievements were listed during the press conference:

Achievements of Municipal Corporation 2016

The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has completed various projects during the year 2016 and took new initiatives during the year to to make the city more livable and beautiful. The achievements for the year is as under:


  1. 24×7 water supply:

For the implementation of the scheme of supplying 24×7 water, the work of bringing additional 29 MGD canal water through MS pipe from Kajauli against Phase V & VI has been allotted and in progress which will be completed by 2017.

  1. Water ATM:

To provide safe drinking water at reasonable price to the public, order has been placed to provide 22 No water ATMs at various public places across the city. Out of these, 7 No ATMs have already been installed and are functional whereas balance will be provided within this financial year. The water is supplied in recyclable paper glass at the cost of Rs. 2.00 per 250 Ml and Rs. 5.00 for 1 Ltr. without Container. The quality of water is being displayed in real time on the E-Cart.

  1. Under AMRUT water supply scheme:

Water supply lines in the rehabilitation colonies Dadumarja, Maloya have been shifted outside the premises of houses to prevent contamination of water under AMMRUT Scheme.  Similarly, the shifting of water supply lines in the rehabilitation colonies Ram Darbar & Indira Colony Manimajra, Chandigarh stands approved and will be taken up in the year 2017.

  1. Floor wise water connection:

Floor wise water connections have been allowed in the Multi Storey houses to facilitate adequate water pressure at each floor.

  1. Free water for Chablis:

Free drinking water will be supplied by the M.C. for the Chhabils in the city.  The organizers can demand drinking water tanker from the water filling station Sector 15, Chandigarh (Telephone No. 2540200). The water is available for 24 hours from this water filling point.

  1. All time water availability at Fire Stations:

One No Tubewell in the premises of each fire station in Sector 17, 32, 38, Indl. Area, Phase-I&II, Chandigarh has been provided to facilitate water availability for 24 hours in the event of any fire demand.

  1. Additional Tubewells:

14 Nos. additional tubewells have been installed at various locations to minimize the gap between demand and supply in the city and the estimate for 11 Nos. Tubewells against the abandoned tubewells has been passed in the House and the work will be started shortly.

  1. Water connection in the Deep Complex:

To provide safe drinking water to the residents, water connections to the individual household have been allowed to the residents of Deep Complex Hallomajra, Chandigarh.

  1. Energy efficient pumping machinery:

MoU is going to be signed with EESL to do the energy audit of the existing pumping machinery installed at various Water Works and tubewells in the city, so that the same can be replaced with the energy efficient alternatives which will decrease the huge electricity bills for these installations.

  1. Tertiary treated water supply in the city:

Tertiary treated water supply lines have been laid in the city to provide TT water in all the green belts and neighborhood parks maintained by the residents. In addition to that most of the sectors have been covered to provide TT water to the one kanal and above houses. It has been made mandatory in the revised water bye laws to obtain TT water supply connections in the all institutions, houses having area one kanal and above. In the Current Year 15 Km pipeline has been laid and the estimate for 46 Km pipeline have been approved to be laid in the next year and it will cover network for TT water of whole city. The tariff for TT Water in Houses is Rs. 50.00 Per Kanal per month and Rs. 600.00 Per Acre Per Month for Open Green Area.


  1. Desilting/ Cleaning of sewer water lines by super suction machines:

The underground sewerage network provided in Chandigarh requires operation and maintenance by providing manpower and sewer cleaning machines etc. For the purpose of de-silting and cleaning of various lines of size 8” i/d to 48” i/d, the stands allotted to the contractual agency during October 2016 for a period of twelve months. As per scope of work, the blocked lines are to be first video graphed and then cleaned. After cleaning/ desilting the sewer lines, the CCTV is also being done by the contractual agency, the sewer cleaning/ suction machines are to be stationed by the contractual agency on 24×7 basis. After cleaning the line, the malba/ silt so removed from the lines is also being disposed off at appropriate placed and moreover the repair work at manholes in the lines are also being repaired

  1. Construction of toilet blocks:

The existing 187 No public toilet blocks in the city have been renovated and additional 4 No toilets blocks have been constructed. 54 No toilets in green belts have been renovated/ constructed. 1323 community toilet seats in various slums colonies have been renovated and constructed. An additional 110 No community seats will be completed within this financial year.

  1. Providing sewer lines in Deep Complex Hallomajra:

The independent sewerage network has been provided in Deep Complex Hallomajra to facilitate the sewerage connection facility to the residents, thus to avoid contamination of drinking water in the area.

  1. Construction of sewerage treatment plant at Maloya:

To treat the sewage generated from Khuda Alisher, Dhanas, Khuda Lahora, Dadumajra Village & Colony, Maloya Village & Colony which is at present discharged into the Patiala Ki Rao Choe, the proposal for construction of 5 MGD sewerage treatment plant at Maloya stands approved and work will be taken up in 2017.

  1. Compensation to Sewermen:

An amount of Rs. 10.00 Lac each to 3 Sewermen as compensation has been given, who lost their lives while working in the sewer manholes.

  1. Safety equipments to Sewermen:

As there are life threatening gases in the sewer system which has caused death of Sewermen in the past, 20 No safety tool kits including gas mask have been given to Sewermen to take care of them while working in the sewer manholes.


  1. Channelization of open nallah at Manimajra:

The proposal for covering of nallah passing through NAC Shivalik Enclave has been approved by providing 1.12 KM long RCC box channel. The work is going to be started shortly. –

  1. Desilting/ Cleaning of storm water lines:

The proposal for cleaning of all storm water lines by super suction machine is being prepared which will reduce the flooding of roads in the city during rainy season.

  1. Strengthening of existing storm system:

To avoid flooding during rainy season, the existing SWD system has been strengthened by providing additional lines in various locations such as Sector 35, Markets of Sector 37-C & D, Markets of Sector 38-C & D, Sector 39 & 40, Maloya etc. Further repair & construction of new road gullies have also been carried out in Sector 15, 22, 23, 35, 37, 38, 39 and 40 etc.

Parks & Green Belts

  1. Development of Japanese Garden, Sector 31-C&D, Chandigarh was undertaken and completed in an area 5.5 Acres with cost of Rs. 4.00 Crores.
  2. The concept of Open Air Gym in Parks was introducedand the Open Air Gym in Shanti Kunj, Sector 16, Green Belt, Sector 35 and 44 with a cost of Rs. 45.00 Lacs. More Open Air Gyms in various Green Belts of the City will be installed in this Financial Year.
  3. Development of Green Belts in Sector 38-W (Area 3.25 Acre), Sector 38-B (Area 1.25 Acre), Sector 38-D (Area 8.7 Acre), Sector 37-A (Area 0.37 Acre), Sector 41-A&B (Area 4.36 Acre), Sector 35-A&B (Area 1.10 Acre) was undertaking and completed.
  4. New Green Belts (Triveni Park) in Village Dhanas (Area 1.17 Acre), Lake View Park in Village Dhanas (Area 1.58 Acre) and Industrial Area, Phase-II, Green Park in Village Dadumajra (Area 1.87 Acre), Green Belt, Vigyan Path, Sector 10, Chandigarh (Area 2.87 Acre) was developed and completed.
  5. 15 Nos. Vacuum Suction Machines will be purchased shortly for colleting dry leaves from Parks at the cost of Rs. 20.00 Lacs.

Street Lights

Municipal Corporation got the existing Fluorescent Tube Lights (FTLs) on V-6 Roads in Sector 29 to 37 replaced with LED Lights at the cost of Rs. 1.5 Crores from the Chandigarh Administration and the work is nearing completion.

In addition to this Municipal Corporation is preparing RFP for replacement of existing Street Lights with Energy Efficient LED Lights and work will be completed in this Financial Year.


  1. Renovation and Upgradation of 3rd to 6th Floors of New Deluxe Building, Sector 17, Chandigarh was undertaken at the cost of more than Rs. 25.00 Crores which also includes provision of Centralized Air Condition (HVAC), provision of new Furniture and Fire Fighting System. The work of Assembly Hall, Mayor’s office has been completed and rest of the work will be completed within 02 months.
  2. Multi Level Parking in Sector 17 to park more than 900 vehicles was completed at the cost of Rs. 46.00 Crores approximately.
  3. Renovation and extension of Community Centre in Sector 18, 19, 40, 46, Bapu Dham, Sector 28 and 29 was completed at the cost of Rs. 12.00 Crores approximately.
  4. Construction of Community Centre in Sector 15 was completed after dismantling the existing Community Centre at the cost of Rs. 2.2 Crores and the construction of new Community Centre in Sector 20 after dismantling the existing Community Centre will be taken in this Financial Year.
  5. The work of construction of new Community Centres in Sector 37, 38-W and 50-B was allotted and the work is in progress at the cost of approx. Rs. 12.00 Crores approximately.
  6. Sports Stadium in Village Dadumajra was developed at the cost of Rs. 2.3 Crore approximately.
  7. Old Book Shellers Shops in Sector 15 was re-constructed with all basic amenities i.e. Toilets, Lighting and Parking at the cost of Rs. 60.00 Lacs.
  8. More than 200 Km length of roads in terms of 12’width was undertaken and completed during the year.
  9. The tender for Mobile Quality Control Lab was obtained for testing the quality of road works and the Laboratory will be in placed within 03 months.
  10. The proposal for construction of under-pass on Railway Crossing No. 126 near Old Ropar Road, Manimajra was got through and now the Chandigarh Administration is in process of floating of tenders.
  11. New Dispensary, Sector 49 was constructed at the cost of Rs. 2.6 Crores and Civil Dispensary, Sector 38 was renovated at the cost of Rs. 25.00 Lacs


The connecting passages and stair cases of EWS Houses in Sector 32, 37, 38 had become unsafe for public use. The reconstruction work was got executed so as to make these safe for public use.

Swachh Bharat Mission


  1. Mechanized Sweeping

Mechanized sweeping has been started in the southern areas of the Chandigarh. 670 Safaikaramcharies have been observed in the company to whom the contract has been awarded.

  1. Installation of GPS System

In 102 garbage carrying vehicles, GPS System has been installed.  We can see the movement of vehicle from where the garbage bin has been lifted.

  1. Bio-metric Attendance

Bio-metric Attendance of all the field staff including Safaiakramcharies has been started. All the Sanitary Inspectors have been Bio-metric Attendance machines.  In the Motor Garage, 04 Bio-metric Attendance machines have been installed for the Bio-metric Attendance of Drivers and Helpers.

  1. Installation of dustbins

4000 dustbins in the various markets, parks and green belts have been installed so that the people can use these dustbins to dump the waste.

  1. Physiotherapy Centre

Free physiotherapy centre in the Civil Dispensary of Sector 20 and 38 have been started by the Chandigarh Senior Citizen Association wherein free consultation and treatment will be provided.

  1. Bio-methantion Plant

Bio-methantion Plant  has been installed in the Indl. Area, Chandigarh Sabzi Mandi Waste and hotel waste will be processed and electricity will be generated from this waste.

  1. Plastic to Oil Plant

The installation of Plastic to Oil Plant is under process.

  1. Machinery

04 tippers, 11 dumper placers have been purchased recently so that disposal of garbage may be done quickly.

  1. Special Cleanliness Drive

Under Swachh Bharat Mission, Special Cleanliness Drive  are being carried out from time to time as per the guidelines issued by MoUD, New Delhi.

  1. Additional manpower under Swachh Bharat Mission-

60 additional Sweepers have been deployed for the proper cleanliness under Swachh Bharat Mission alongwith 10 Tractor Trolleys.

  1. Dog Sterilization

Dog Sterilization centre has been opened in Sector 38 (West) wherein dogs are sterilized in scientific manner. Total 3836 dogs have been sterilized from 1st January, 2016 to till date.

  1. 30 Sanitary Napkin vending machines & Incinerators installed

The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has installed 30 sanitary napkin vending machines and incinerators at public ladies toilets in different areas of Chandigarh for use by girls/women under Swachh Bharat Mission amounting to Rs. 18.10 lacs. Total 3 sanitary napkins of good quality will be obtained by placing 10 Rupees only in the vending machine and used napkins can be destroyed by throwing in incinerators to keep the city neat and clean.

New Initiatives

  1. Honour to dignitaries/social activists during Rose Festival
  2. Wi-Fi Zone had been created for the 1st time to increase footfall of youth during Rose Festival.
  3. To increase the interest of youth, Prizes of Honymoon Trips to winner newly wedded couple, introduced new competition.
  • Constitution of Trycity Mayor’s Council

The Mayor constituted Tricity Mayor’s council comprising Mayors of Panchkula and Mohali to discuss issues common in the tricity areas, which will be solved jointly by replicating better services to make the cities more livable and beautiful. Smt. Upinder Kaur Walia, Mayor of Panchkula and Sh. Kulwant Singh, Mayor of Mohali attended various meetings in MC called by city Mayor.

  • Constitution of Mayor’s Margdarshak Mandal

City Mayor constituted Mayor’s Margdarshak Mandal to seek guidance in the future planning and different projects of Municipal Corporation. All the former Mayors of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh have been made members of the Mayor’s Margdarshak Mandal.

  • MC Budget has been created Online & sought suggestion from public for the 1st time.
  • Implementation of Citizen Charter

The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has implemented the Citizen Charter w.e.f. 02.05.2016. Under the citizen charter of the MC, time frame for completing tasks in any department of the Municipal Corporation i.e. water supply, sanitation, building and roads, enforcement, horticulture etc. has been fixed. The main objective for preparing the citizen charter is to make the Administration of Municipal Corporation more transparent, simple, accountable and responsive.

  • Implementation of CPWD manual (Financial empowering SE, E.E. and SDOs of MC)
  • Prepared MC Documentary film in English, Hindi & Punjabi languages

The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has prepared a documentary film at a cost of Rs. 6.63 lacs having 18 minutes of full length on the works handled by Municipal Corporation and major projects initiated/completed. The purpose behind making MC documentary film was to document all the basic amenities provided by the MC and the ongoing projects, which will be beneficial during exchange programmes, study visits of outsiders etc.

  • No New Tax introduced and Not increased the existing taxes
  • Paver Policy framed to save the greenery of city and to reduce the water logging problem
  • Online Property tax deposit system
  • Biomatric attendance of all employees in the Head office of MC

The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has started Biomatric Attendance of all the employees in the Head office of MC and implementing the same system in other offices of MC located in various parts of city.

  • Offline complaints have been made online which were being received at offices of various level officers are now be incorporated with the online existing grievance management system.

Fire Station

  1. Tubewells provided in Fire Stations including Sector 32, 38 & Ramdarbar.
  2. One Big Fire Tenders fabricated and included in the Fire Fighting cavalcade.
  3. 4 Small Fire Tenders are being included for fire fighting in narrow lanes.
  4. 7 Bullet Motorcycles alongwith Compressed Air Foam (CAP) system for usage in small streets of villages are being included.
  5. Renovation of all Fire Stations is going on.
  6. Fire Safety Equipments provided to Firemen including Breathing Apparatus sets.

Street Vendor Act

The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has completed the survey to rehabilitate street vendors in the city conducted by Haryana Nav Yuvak Kala Sangam under the street vendors (Protection of Livelihood and regulation of street vending) Act, 2014, launched by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. The street vendors are an integral part of urban economy around the world and major challenges faced by the street vendors were harassment due to no legal identity, lack of training, skills and lack of access to credit with no access to banking and loan facilities etc. The street vendors face occupational health and safety hazards and no social security and could not avail government schemes like pensions and insurances.

Book Bank/Libraries

The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has started Book banks/Libraries in various Community Centres in association with Rotary Club, Chandigarh.

Grievance Centre

The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has set up Grievance Redressal centre in the MC office to deal all the complaints received in Toll free No. 155304 and through online/offline complaints very effectively.


  1. Lohri function organised and dedicated to Girl Child
  2. Children Day: The children witnessed the proceedings of General House Meeting and gifts have been distributed among meritorious students of City.
  3. Martyr’s Day: 1st time widows/weer naaris from paramilitary forces, Police and Fire & Emergency Services were honoured in addition to weer naaris from Indian Army
  4. 125th Anniversary of Dr. Bheem Rao Ambadkar was celebrated with the Baisakhi function
  5. Two days Mahila Mela organised in which participation of all women employees of MC was ensured for the 1st time
  6. Swachhta Mela organised in sector 34 under Swachh Bharat Mission in which all the sanitary inspectors and safaikarmacharis sensitized about the awareness programmes and behavioural change
  7. Swachhta Run organised with Abhinav Bindra, brand ambassador of Swachh Bharat Mission Chandigarh in Sukhna Lake to create awareness among citizens about Swachh Survekshan-2017.
  8. Different citizen engagement workshops organised to create awareness among masses regarding Swachh Survekshan-2017.


  1. Smart City

Chandigarh was selected as Smart City in the fast track list of cities.

  1. ODF Status

Chandigarh was declared as ODF among the million plus cities in India.

  1. Swachh Survekshan-2016

Chandigarh was declared 2nd cleanliest city in the country.

  1. AMRUT

For achieving the reforms in various fields an incentive of Rs. 69 lacs was given by MoUD, Govt of India under AMRUT Scheme to the MC, Chandigarh. Further the SAAP document of MC Chandigarh was declared as model document by the ministry.

  1. Skotch Awards

Skotch order of Merit-2016 Awarded to Municipal Corporation in three categories:

  1. Digital Street Vending Survey
  2. Solid Waste Management (collection and transportation)
  3. Maintenance of Public Parks with public participation.
CP Singh
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