Aims to reduce the trauma, high cost of hospitalization and platelet transfusion
NewZNew (Chandigarh) : Micro Labs Limited, a fully integrated pharmaceutical company based in Bangalore recently launched Caripill, which helps to increase the platelet count in patients suffering from Dengue. Approved by the scientific and regulatory authority, the pill is made from Carica Papaya leaf extract and does not have any side-effects. Being a product of extensive R & D and clinical trials conducted by Micro Labs, the pill has proved its safety and efficacy in about 1 lakh patients across India.
Dengue is emerging as a serious public health problem globally, with 2.5 billion people at risk and 50 million dengue infections occurring annually, according to a report from the World Health Organisation. After Punjab and Haryana the common capital Chandigarh has been witnessing a sudden surge in the number of dengue cases this season as 136 people have tested positive for the vector-borne disease till last month.
There is a huge surge in dengue cases in India, among all age groups of people with low immunity with the sufferers reacting strongly to the virus that is primarily transmitted through mosquito bites. The virus causes severe eye pain, body ache, joint pain, high fever, exhaustion, affects mobility and of course a dramatic reduction in platelet count in dengue patients, eventually may be fatal too. In addition, the conventional treatment that involves platelet transfusion will have a high financial burden, besides the trauma to the patient and family. Caripill, has come as a boon for patients with just Rs.25 per tablet with the dosage of administering one pill (1100 mg) three times a day, for 5 days, thus reducing the financial burden and the emotional trauma experienced by the sufferers and their families.
No specific treatment was available for treating dengue, except for some paracetamol tablets (mostly Dolo 650 by Micro Labs) to reduce the fever/ temperature. However immediately post the fever reduces, the platelets count on blood starts falling leading to serious health consequences. Despite considerable efforts to control the mosquito population, dengue fever has emerged, spread and established itself rapidly. Looking into the limited current modalities of treatment and its affordability to a fewer sections of population, this alternative option of well-researched and documented Caripill has brought immense relief.
Dilip Surana Managing Director, Micro Labs Ltd., stated that “Over 4 decades, we have been successful in manufacturing oral solids, liquids, topical and injectable medication for patients across verticals – diabetology, cardiology, ophthalmology, dermatology, pain/analgesics, etc. Today, I would like to congratulate our team at Micro Labs for making a remarkable breakthrough in treating moderate to severe dengue cases with the newly introduced Caripill that comes at an affordable cost.”
Dr. Nagabhushan K H, VP-Medical Services, Micro Labs Ltd., stated, “At present, the popular treatment for dengue is by oral consumption of juice crudely extracted from the non-standardized and unhygienic papaya leaves with no clear dosage specified, that could have a detrimental impact on sufferers. Our new Caripill, has received positive feedback from doctors treating patients with dengue and are confident the usage of the pill can be further extended to treating patients with other life-threatening disorders that require restoration of blood platelets.” He further added, “The rising number of dengue cases among children, has driven us to introduce paediatric Caripill syrup for easy consumption and plan to launch it soon.”
Jayaraj.G. Executive Vice President, Micro Labs Ltd., shared “Caripill is backed by adequate scientific data that confirm the beneficial increase in the platelet count in dengue cases. Besides Caripill underwent rigorous formulation research and a four month stability study under simulated temperature controlled environment to ascertain its stability during drug distribution transit. The papaya leaves are sourced from dedicated farmers adopting Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) to ensure high quality of the drug ingredients”.
Caripill has been made available in all major pharmacies across India.