Saga Studios, formerly known as Saga Music has come with a marvelous story revolving around a vital topic that can unite yet split blood relations. The movie ‘SaddeAale’ is all set to hit theatres on 29th of April, 2022: After dropping two grandiloquent posters of ‘SaadeAale’, Saga Studios is all set to make the audiences gloomed with its trailer releasing on 12th April, 2022.
So finally the wait is over for flabbergasting performances on screen. Post watching the trailer, it can be said that both the posters served justice to the trailer yet have kept the audiences dumbfounded as far as the storyline of the movie is concerned.The trailer of SaddeAale looks promising and potent, giving a fair edge to the posters.
Directed by Jatinder Mauhar and having the presence of Late Deep Sidhu, Gugu Gill, Mahabir Bhullar, Sukhdeep Sukh, Amrit Aulakh and many more. Deep Sidhu stick to his determination and learned professional wrestling moves for this movie as for him, it was not just any other project but a child to nurture.
The cast has beautifully portrayed and given justice to the characters. Late actor Deep Sidhu will be the center of attraction in this film. Interestingly, the movie was consummated in the year 2019 but the release was deferred due to some date conflicts and eventually COVID-19 pandemic hit the fan. Unquestionably, both the mettlesome actors, Late Deep Sidhu and Sukhdeep Sukh are portraying a gloomy yet shining faces of their respective characters in the poster.
The music of this film will be released under the banner of Saga Music and will be digitally distributed by Unisys InfosolutionsPvt Ltd. Saga Studios; a renowned name in the industry never falls short of delivering exceptional stories on screen unlike other labels which are yet under the shadow of orthodox comedy genre. Moreover, as Saga Music claims, the melodious songs in the movie are a top-notch work and will penetrate the emotions of the audiences.
The producer of the movie and owner of Saga Studios, Sd. Sumeet Singh stated, “This movie is a story of our hypocrite and spineless thinking of society. This is a family movie and is definitely for all the generation, especially the youth. I firmly believe that blood is thicker than water and one must not give significance to materialistic pleasures. It will be an eye opener for the audiences who are into the dilemma that Punjab Film Industry can only play around with comedy genre. This movie brings out the thin line between love and affection in blood relations. Despite all the difficulties, the village and the villagers have maintained the beauty of life. ‘SaadeAale‘ is a celebration of that beauty. It is the story of characters who are engaged in a struggle for the distances of sport and life.”