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Polytechnic TRB result 2017, marks declared at trb.tn.nic.in

The result of Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) Polytechnic exam 2017 has been declared. The TRB result 2017 has been declared today for the exam conducted on September 16, 2017, a press note on the official website (www.trb.tn.nic.in) of the Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) read here. TRB Polytechnic results were uploaded online in the evening and are now available to view for the candidates who appeared for the said examination.

As TRB Polytechnic result 2017 is out now, the candidates can check PSTM marks scored in the test. For the information of candidates, PSTM means Provisional Selection Test Marks. The TRB has provided options to check final key answers, individual candidate result and provisional list of candidates called for Certificate Verification.

As per official data, a total of 1,33,567 candidates have appeared for this TRB polytechnic exam for recruitment to 1058 lecturer posts in the government polytechnic colleges of the state. The recruitment was publicised via advertisement notification No.06/2017 dated July 28, 2017.

The tentative answer keys of the exam were released on October 6, 2017 and the objections were received till October 12. However, the after the review of objections by an expert committee, the revised (final) answer key has been uploaded at TRB website.

As per the notice, a total of 2,116 candidates have been provisionally selected for the process of certificate verification. The certificate verification will be conducted on November 23, 24 and 25, 2017, and the details regarding venue and candidate’s call letter will be uploaded on TRB website within a week or so. The candidates for the CV process have been selected as per the ratio of 1:2 and 4% seats have been reserved for persons with disability. The list of candidates finally selected will be released after the Certificate Verification process by the board.

To check the TRB Polytechnic result 2017 for the written exam held on September 16, 2017, the candidates may visit the below links. It should be noted that the list of provisionally selected candidates, the final answer keys and the facility to check individual result have been availed separately.

Final answer keys- check here.
For Individual Candidate result query- click here (Candidate’s roll number will be required to access individual TRB result i.e., marks attained by the candidates in the exam).
Provisional List- check here

Here are the number of candidates selected for each subject:

Civil Engineering- 228
Mechanical Engineering- 432
Electrical & Electronics Engineering- 183
Electronics & Communication Engineering- 237
Instrumentation & Control Engineering- 07
Computer Science Engineering- 260
Information Technology- 13
Production Engineering- 13
Textile Technology- 06
Printing Technology- 12
English- 177
Mathematics- 187
Physics- 188
Chemistry- 161
Modern Office Practice- 35

In it’s press release, TRB has also noted that a lot of candidates have made mistakes in marking/shading the question paper serial code. In such cases, the OMR sheets could not be scanned and if a candidate is unable to find his/her result, it just might be the reason.

The posts under the following cadre comes with pay scale of Rs.15600-39100 + AGP 5400.

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