Sony SAB’s newly launched show ‘Shankar Jai Kishan – 3 in 1’ have garnered attention from the viewers for its unique storyline. The show revolves around the life of Kishan who lives a triple life in order to keep his mother away from another...
Have you heard that Funny is missing? A zany and adorable character whom kids have fallen in love with. And now the kids of the entire country are on the lookout for Funny. You can find him only on television by viewing Sony YAY!...
NewZNew (Chandigarh) : From Vishesh Bansal to Mouli Ganguly, Sony Entertainment Television’s Suryaputra Karn boasts of a cast which is exceptionally talented. Adding to the impressive star cast is none other than the former beauty queen, Aditi Gowitrikar. She will be seen playing the...