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Team of councilors & officers returns from study tour about plant from plastic to fuel

Chandigarh, October 5:- Sh. Arun Sood, Mayor of Chandigarh today called a meeting of the councilors returned from a study tour to check the technicalities & feasibility of plastic to fuel plant at Chennai from 3rd to 5th October, 2016.

The Mayor said that in the General House meeting held during the month of August, 2016, a presentation was given by M K Aromatics Ltd, Chennai. Thereafter, Mayor constituted a committee of seven councilors comprising Sh. Davesh Moudgil, Senior Deputy Mayor, Sh. Subhash Chawla, Sh. Pardeep Chhabra, Sh. Babu Lal, Sh. Satish Kainth, Sh. Rajesh Gupta and Sh. Surinder Bahga. But Sh. Babu Lal, Sh. Satish Kainth, Sh. Surinder Bahga and Dr. M.S. Kamboj visited Chennai Plastic to fuel plant during the study tour.

He said that the aim was to study the technicalities of the plant and its feasibility in Chandigarh. It is pertinent to mention here that the companies around the globe have started producing fuel from the plastic. Studies indicate that only 8% of the plastic waste is recycled in USA, 15% in Europe and much less in developing countries like India.

He further said that this re use of plastic could keep large amounts of plastic from landfills. According to the reports of the United Nations we need to collect all plastic waste and it should be re used.

He said the Chennai plant has a technology in which waste plastic is heated in an oxygen free chamber (known as pyrolysis) at about 400 degree calicoes. As the plastics boils, gas is separated out which is re used to fuel the plant itself for its heating system. The fuel is then distilled and filtered. The entire process takes place inside vacuum and the plastic is melted not burn causing no damage to the environment.

The Mayor said Chandigarh produces about 500 tons of garbage daily out of that about to 10-15 percent is the plastic waste. It means Chandigarh produces near about 60 tons of plastic daily and major part of it goes to garbage processing plant directly or indirectly. In order to handle this environmental hazardous, Municipal Corporation proposes to establish to plastic to fuel plant on the existing landfill area located at Dadumajra. It will give zero residual of waste and will meet with all the pollution norms.

He said there is a proposal to establish nearly 10 plastic collection centers throughout the city in the existing Sehaj Safai Kendras. These collection centers will play a very important role in the upliftment of rag pickers within sustainable resource of revenue, education, hygiene, skill development and empowerment with focus on rehabilitation of women and children. It is aimed that these collection centers will ensure litter free plastic zones within Chandigarh city achieving “Swachh Bharat” objectives.

He further said the proposed plant will produce the low down landfill by processing the plastic waste and generate economic value. As a pilot project, the plant will be of 10 tones capacity which can be further extended in the same area as need arises. The committee will submit its detailed report very soon, he added.

Simran Singh
Simran Singh
I’m a Blogger, Website Developer and Web Designer creating awesome and effective visual identities for companies of all sizes around the globe.

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