To fulfill the dream of Prime Minister of India, Sh Narendra Modi for clean India, a drive was taken up by D.A.V. College, Sector 10, Chandigarh Under the mission “Swachhata hi Sewa hai” Pahwadaa from 15th September – 2nd October, 2017.
To make the city beautiful clean and to motivate the general public, the students and staff members of the college initiated “SWACHHATA HI SEWA HAI” on the roads and public parks of the city and continued the Shramdan for 5 hours on Sunday, the 24th September, 2017 under the leadership of Dr. Raman Soni, the Swachhata Coordinator of the college. The team of the students lead by the coordinator took the active initiative to pursue cleanliness and promote its importance for healthy living under.
The various activities like collage making, poster making and elocution etc after pledge taking ceremony were organized in the college campus to awaken and motivate the students . Dr B.C. Josan, Principal of the college was the potential force behind the success of the Swachtta Pakwada abhiyan whose motivational words and support geared up the students and staff members