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ICE CARD launched by ADVISER at Home Science College Chandigarh

  • I.C.E Card: A Card which would “Save Your life”
  • Adviser Vijay Dev launched the I.C.E Card
  • Doctors taught ways of saving life met with Trauma on road
  • An initiative by Mayo Healthcare Super Speciality Hospital, Mohali in collaboration with UT Administration, Chandigarh


NewZNew (Chandigarh) : A doctor always is in dilemma while saving a life of Trauma Victim in their emergency ward because the patient is unconscious and his belongings are not enough to get any medical history. A  lot of time is wasted in finding requisite information hence casualty happens. Only in this year 2015, we read in many papers about deaths of youngsters and loved ones of some families, be it PEC students fatal accident, zirakpur auto rickshaw Bike and Pajero car accident, all these are spine chilling accidents for city people.” said Dr Rajesh Gulia, Urology Surgeon, Mayo Healthcare Super Speciality Hospital, Mohali.

“Taking cognizance from all these accidents and years of problems faced while treating Trauma Patients, Mayo Healthcare, Sec 69, Mohali in collaboration with State NSS cell and UT Administration took an initiative to launch I.C.E cards for tricitians.” Said Dr Deepak Tyagi, CEO, Mayo Healthcare, Mohali.


What is an I.C.E card

I.C.E card means “In Case of Emergency” card which launched by worthy Adviser to the Administrator Sh Vijay Kumar Dev in presence of State Liasioning Authority and State NSS Cell, UT, Head Sh Bikram Rana, Dr Mrs Madhu Kaul, Principal Government Home Science College, Sector 10, Chandigarh.

“This card would speak for trauma victims when they are unconscious of incapacitated. Other sources of info are all inadequate. At the time of accident, phone may get crushed, or there may be a screen lock. Licence information may be faded or not available. But this card if found in wallet or somewhere in pocket of victim, would give all requisite information about the victim at the go. His loved ones can be contacted immediately which would provide the necessary logistic support. On reaching the hospital, doctor would get to know all his requisite information before hand by looking at this card.” Said Adviser Sh Vijay Dev.

This Card is carrying three ICE contact numbers, medical allergies, blood group and medical history of the patient lying unconscious on the hospital stretcher. Dr Gulia stressed that the Card information should be filled with great authenticity and accuracy. If they are not aware about their medical allergies and blood group, they should get it tested from anywhere and fill the information in card, so that God Forbid if Trauma happens this card could save their life.


Book launched for Budding doctors

Explaining about his Book Dr Gulia said, “At the time of Trauma happening on road the most vulnerable organ of body is the human  Urethra. So the budding doctor should  know the latest techniques to do surgery on urethra.” After the book launched by the Adviser Sh Vijay Dev, Dr Rajesh Gulia said that he has incorporated his years of experience in this Book “Atlas of Urethroplasty” which would certainly help understanding budding doctors in treating trauma victims.

This is where this International Publication – ‘Atlas of Urethroplasty’ will go a long way in the training of Specialist Urethral Surgeons

Cards would be distributed Free of Cost.

Cards would be distributed in Tricity free of cost CEO of Mayo Healthcare Dr Deepak Tyagi said that the I.C.E cards would be distributed in Tricity free of cost. We would distribute I.C.E cards at every possible petrol pumps so that tricitians may get maximum benefit out of it.

CP Singh
CP Singhhttp://www.cpgrafix.in
I am a Graphic Designer and my company is named as CP Grafix, it is a professional, creative, graphic designing, printing and advertisement Company, it’s established since last 12 years.

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