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International doctors to get new advanced training for treatment of varicose veins

4th Certification Course in Vascular USG (Ultrasound) and Minimally Invasive Treatment of Venous Diseases would be organised at Fortis Hospital Mohali in association with Venous Association of India (VAI) under the patronage of Vascular Society for Limb Salvage, from 3rd August to 6th August.

The course would focus on Mechanico Chemical Ablation (MOCA) to treat Varicose Veins. Fortis Hospital, Mohali had last month introduced a new technique Mechanico Chemical Ablation (MOCA) to treat Varicose Veins for the first time in India. This advanced technique is a simple and doesn’t require application of tumescent anaesthesia. A special catheter is introduced in the vein of the patient and vein is ablated along with foam sclerotherapy. Seeing the popularity of the new technique, both Indian and International doctors are here to learn the same and replicate it in their countries.

Dr Ravul Jindal, Director, Vascular Surgery, Fortis Hospital, Mohali, who is conducting the course, informed, the skilled course cum workshop shall be attended by more than 50 doctors from India and abroad. Some of the international delegates include Prof. Jean Francois from France, Dr. Jean Patrick Benigni from France, Prof. Nick Morrison from USA, Dr.Wassila Taha from Cairo, Egypt and Dr. Rene Milleret from France.

More than 30 Live Cases will be operated with Hands-on training for all delegates to enhance understanding of venous ultrasound physics and instrumentation, venous lower extremity ultrasound evaluation and mapping for vein ablation procedures and to learn all about management of venous diseases. This four days course is intended for Varicose Vein service providers, sonographers and other allied health care professionals.

Course highlights will be vascular ultrasound theory and practical training on models and patients, USG guided puncture of IJV/Femoral Vein/ Popliteal Vein/ Femoral Artery/ Axillary Vein/ Long Saphenous Vein and Short Saphenous Vein, medical stockings and four- layers compression stockings, practical training of latest treatment of varicose veins with live demonstration of EVLT/RF/Foam Sclerotherapy, live demonstrations of DVT thrombolysis and IVC filter, cosmetic varicose vein treatment, live demonstration of stem cell & PRP therapy and many more latest procedures (Live) including laser treatment of haemorrhoids and Mechanico Chemical Ablation of Varicose Vein (MOCA) and Glue techniques

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