- Having undergone knee replacement, can walk again
Based on the recommendation of a friend, an Iraqi patient Haider had visited Fortis Mohali and had successfully been operated for avascular necrosis of hip joint in 2014. Recently, Haider returned to Fortis Hospital Mohali, but this time for the treatment of his mother Mrs Fathima. She was suffering from Osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Although Haider was keen that both the knees should be replaced, he recalls that Dr Harsimran Singh, Director, Orthopedics, Fortis Mohali having advised that the undamaged knee should remain untouched. The single knee replacement was enough to put Mrs Fathima back on her feet.
“I feel no pain. Back home, we all know about this miracle doctor who treats his patient like a family member, and makes sure the patient feels no pain during the surgery.” Added Mrs Fathima
After Mrs Fathima returned home and exchanged notes with relatives and friends about her experience in India, Mrs Nabaa Ismael, 32, a housewife and mother of two from Karbala in Iraq decided to visit the hospital as well. Mrs Nabaa had been suffering from a serious condition which her consulting doctors in Iraq did not want operate upon. She had a benign tumor in the hip region and had informed her that a surgery would be dangerous. During her consultation in Fortis, an MRI was done and it was suggestive of Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis.The benign tumor was removed and Total Hip replacement was done.
She complained of not being able to give her children proper care. After her hip surgery she said, “I thank Mrs Fathima for giving us this invaluable recommendation. After the surgery my children will now have their energetic mother back. I bless Dr Harsimran who has now become a household name in some cities in Iraq for his expertise.” She added, “We could have gone to Australia, Turkey or any European country for my treatment, but coming to Fortis Mohali was a life changing experience. Shukran.”
All three patients are back to Iraq and say that they will send more patients to India. They hope to travel back and cherish the land of many cultures with their new-found strength.