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NEST Junior result declared for Scholarship Test held on 30 July at www.nest.net.in

The results of 18th Nationwide Education & Scholarship Test (NEST 2017) have been announced today. While the results were scheduled to be announced at 5 pm today, the announcement has been made early morning. NEST Junior result 2017 has been made available online and can be accessed from www.nest.net.in. A total of 1,017 students have been awarded rank in NEST Junior-1 exam, apart from 943 students under NEST Junior-2 exam.

NEST is a collaborative effort to help students who display signs of excellence in their studies. With NEST initiative, it allows the students to pursue their education without the worry of financial constraints. Though, to achieve this, they need to undergo the NEST scholarship Test each year. The major aim of NEST is to encourage and help students to achieve better in their academics.

The first test was conducted on 11th March, 2006 and this year’s test was 18th edition. The students, who appeared in 2017 exams of IX, X, XI & XII (Science stream only) applied for NEST- Junior Scholarships Test- 2017. NEST Junior 2017 online exam was conducted on 30th July in all State Capitals and all major cities across India.

NEST- Junior-I exam (Class 9 and 10): The test comprised of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) divided into 6 sections- Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, English Language, and Logic & G.K. The paper had total 150 questions, each carrying 1 mark. The time duration given to complete the exam was 2 Hours.

NEST- Junior-II (Class 11 and 12), the exam was divided into 4 sections- Physics & Chemistry, Maths/ Biology, English Language, and Logic & G.K. All the four sections had 50 questions each. The time given to complete the entire exam was 2 Hours.

The NEST Junior winners of class 9, 10, 11, and 12th class are awarded several scholarships worth Rs. 25,000 to 50,000 based on merit in the online test. Also, Certificates of Appreciation are given to the winners. The prize distribution is expected to be held in the last week of October in Mumbai. The winners will be awarded the scholarships while being congratulated in a gathering by some renowned people of knowledge.

In NEST-JUNIOR-I category, the top 10 scorers will be awarded 10 scholarships of Rs. 25,000 (with Rs. 40,000/- to Rank #1). In NEST-JUNIOR-II category, the top 10 scorers will be awarded 10 scholarships worth Rs. 30,000 (with Rs. 40,000/- to Rank #1). This year, apart from topper, 11 students have been awarded scholarship worth Rs. 25,000 as per the merit.

NEST Junior result has been placed in the official website in two files; alphabetical order and rank-wise. The students can download Score card and Certificate of Appreciation with All India Ranking (AIR) in the first week of November. The winners of Scholarships will be sent their certificates and cheques by registered post in the last week of November, following verification of their personal and academic details on phone and/ or in person in the first week of October.

Certificate of Appreciation will be awarded to all the applicants who acquire of 40% aggregate and above in all the 4 sections combined. Certificates of Appreciation are also awarded to all high scoring candidates in the test with All India Ranking (AIR).

While the results are final, the students can contact the authority in case of any discrepancy in the spelling of name, college name, class etc. For such cases, the students will have to send complaint to [email protected] before 30th September.

Current update: Currently registrations are open for NEST- Senior Categories of NEST Scholarships 2018.

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