Ms. Dhananjay Chauhan, a transgender student of Department of Human Rights and Duties, Panjab University, Chandigarh has been invited by His Excellency Nadir Patel, High Commissioner for Canada to India to a dinner-reception celebrating Canada-India ties on the occasion of the visit of The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada on February 22, 2018 at the Residence of the High Commissioner of Canada.

Ms. Dhananjay has been working hard to alleviate the plight of transgendors and also a founder of NGO, Saksham Trust.
Swarnjit Kaur, Coordinator, Centre for Human Rights & Duties (U.I.E.A.S.S), PU said that this, however, is not Dhananjay’s singular achievement. Dhanjay’s association with the Centre dates back to approximately two years prior to her admission to the Masters programme in 2016. At that time the students interacted with her as a President of Saksham Trust involved in rights of transgender community. After being on the rolls of the Centre, Dhananjay was invited to Netherlands in 2016 in the month of August to participate in an international meet on rights of transgender people.
She further added that in November 2016, the Centre organised a Mobility Programme with the Western Sydney University under the New Colombo Plan on the theme of Understanding Diversity with a focus on gender identity (including the transgender identity)and advocacy for wellbeing. Dhananjay’s active participation in the programme
helped us shape it comprehensively. Further, Dhananjay’s frontal role in organizing Pride Walk in the University Campus from March 18-26, 2017 resulted in inviting a number of prominent personalities to the University including Consul General Canada Mr. Christopher Gibbins.
She further informed that within University, request for separate toilets for transgender students and setting up of hostel facility were a few more initiatives undertaken by Dhananjay which has been well taken by the University Administration. I wish the success story continues in times to come and rights of the transgender community are transformed into realty, she added.