BIG Magic a variety general entertainment channel is coming up with a new comedy sitcom named Kunwara Hai Par Humara Hai as its latest offering. The extremely talented actor Raavish Desai who has entertained the viewers with his exceptional acting skills will be seen playing a pivotal role in the show.
A source close to the production house informs us about the new developments, “Kunwara Hai Par Humara Hai is a show based on a smart and intelligent 31 year old guy named Manav who is unmarried in a typical traditional Indian family, where bachelorhood is taken for granted by everyone. Raavish Desai has been finalized to play the male lead in the show.”
On the same when we got in touch Raavish Desai on being a part of the show, he quipped, “I wanted to break away from everything and do something different and experiment. The entire team of Kunwara Hai Par Humara Hai attended a workshop since we are shown to be a family. It was important to establish chemistry and match our comic timing.”
To watch the phenomenal performance of Raavish Desai as Manav, stay tuned on to Kunwara Hai Par Humara Hai starting from 14th November every Monday to Fridayat 8:30pm only on BIG Magic.