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Rural Areas Should Catch Up With Urban Areas Vis-À-Vis Quality Of Education: V P Singh Badnore

India needs education, especially rural education, says Governor

Efforts must be taken to improve quality of education in rural India: V P Singh Badnore

While urban education needs a little upliftment, concentration should be more on educating rural India, said V P Singh Badnore, Hon’ble Governor, Punjab & Administrator, UT Chandigarh, while addressing the two-day CII School Summit at CII Northern Region Headquarters, today. The biggest challenge is to bridge the difference between education levels of urban and rural areas. With huge talent present in the rural areas, it is the role of teachers to provide the right education and opportunities to the students residing there. He also emphasised on imparting education in a new manner – pupils should be made to think and encouraged to do things differently.

VP Singh Badnore, Hon’ble Governor, Punjab & Administrator, UT Chandigarh,

Citing the example of China which, despite having many languages, has arrived at a single language as a medium of education, Badnore opined that the practice of dual language in our education system is an issue. The best way should be chalked out to make rural students compete with those being educated in the urban areas, he advised. Badnore also focused on the importance of building a corruption-free India for which the students should be given moral education. While acknowledging that CII has a voice and engages in making recommendations for framing policies, he urged CII to study the best practices in the world, and make recommendations on both the positive and negative points of Right to Education (RTE).

Quality, in any sector, is defined as degree of excellence in “Products, processes and services” of that sector.  In today’s techno-social and dynamic world of knowledge society and knowledge driven economy, quality is the key concept and is going to play, in future, an ever-increasing dominant role in all sectors in general and educational sector in particular.

Ram Bilas Sharma, Hon’ble Minister of Education & Languages, Government of Haryana, said, “Education begins at home, parents are true teachers in an individual’s life. Industry should pay serious attention towards our education system and work towards bridging the gap between industry and academia thereby improving the same. Education plays an important role in the life of an individual and helps in personality development.

Setting the context for the summit, Amit Kaushik, Chairman, CII School Summit 2018 & Chief Executive Officer, Australian Council for Educational Research, said, that the educational framework needs to realign itself with more pragmatic and outcome oriented approach. It is important to change the curriculum as per the changing realities of the world. This calls for reimagining our assessment systems to ones that do not merely evaluate the skills of storing and retrieving, but also the ability to use tools of critical thinking and rational inquiry.

Kartik Bharat Ram, Chairman, CII Regional Committee on Education & Deputy Managing Director, SRF Ltd, said that there is a need to reimagine the existing regulated system to one that offers an enabling and facilitative policy framework that incentivizes and promotes good performers and challenges low performers. We must promote practical pedagogy delivered through technology driven tools that can potentially lead to higher focus on relevant tasks and lower costs of delivery.

Poonam Singh Jamwal, CEO, Extramarks Foundation & Director, Extramarks Education India (P) Ltd, said that the schools around the world are using technology during the teaching–learning process for better comprehension and assimilation. Therefore, making the use of technology in education will become a game changer in imparting knowledge in a more meaningful and effective manner. Moving to Digital Education would be in line with the nation’s vision of making education qualitative and affordable. This would pave the way for empowering the students to compete with their counterparts in rest of the country.

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