Directorate of Technical Education, DTE Maharashtra has released the final merit list of M.Tech Merit 2017. The DTE offers B.Tech, M.Tech and various other technical education courses for students. The admission will be given to students in various Government and Private colleges in Maharashtra state....
The Engineering allotment list has been finally published by DTE Maharashtra now. After a series of delays, the Directorate has published Engineering Provisional Allotment List for CAP Round II at the official website
DTE Maharashtra will release the CET 2017, CAP round 2 allotment...
DTE Maharashtra CET final merit list 2017, i.e., the final merit list of engineering 2017 admissions on the basis of MHT CET 2017 merit list has been now declared at Earlier, DTE Maharashtra had notified that the final merit list 2017 will be...