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Two Week Intensive Training Program On Recent Trends And Challenges In Regulation And Standardization

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), SAS Nagar is organizing a two-week Intensive Training Program on Recent Trends and Challenges in Regulation and Standardization of Herbal Drugs and Formulations from 06th August to 16th August, 2018. This program is sponsored by Ministry...

CII organises interactive sessions of delegation from US universities at PU, NIPER, PEC

As part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between CII – CRIKC, Confederation of Indian industry (CII) facilitated interaction of the members of a delegation from two US universities with the teachers, research scholars and students of premier educational institutions of the region such...

NIPER JEE result 2017 declared check here !

NIPER result has been declared for the Joint entrance examination (JEE) 2017, today. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) had conducted the JEE on June 25 for admission to Masters and P.hD programmes offered by this group of institutions. The NIPER JEE 2017...