West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board has announced WBJEE JENPARH Result 2017 today i.e July 27 Thursday at its official portal wbjeeb.in or www.wbjeeb.in/jenpauh.aspx. The candidates will be able to access their WBJEE JENPAUH Result 2017 by entering their correct details whichever required at the...
WBJEE 3rd round seat allotment has been announced today for the admission process to engineering and allied courses, West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) notified. WBJEE counselling result for the third round was scheduled for July 12 and the result of students’ opted...
The seat allotment result for WBJEEB 2017 under 2nd round of counselling, has been announced now. Candidates who have participated in the second round may now visit the WBJEEB website www.wbjeeb.in and check their WBJEEB seat allotment 2017 status.
WBJEE 2nd round seat allotment result...
The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEE) is expected to declare the results of JENPAUH/ JENPARH exam in the month of May 2017. A number of candidates are looking for the admissions to various courses such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc....
The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEE) is expected to declare the results of JENPAUH/ JENPARH exam in the month of May 2017. A number of candidates are looking for the admissions to various courses such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc....