TNUSRB results 2017, TN police exam result 2017 has been declared by the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board. The written examination was conducted by the TNUSRB on May 21 and now the TNUSRB final results have been announced by the Board. The candidates can check the TN Police result/ final result from the official website of the Board and also the cut off marks are available now.
The common recruitment for Grade 2 Police Constable , Grade 2 Jail Warders and Firemen was notified by TNUSRB earlier this year. The recruitment was notified to fill total 15,664 vacancies. These vacancies are distributed as 4,627 vacancies for Armed Reserve (Men Constable), 3,941 vacancies for Armed Reserve (Women Constable), 4,569 vacancies for Tamil Nadu Special Police Men Constables, 976 vacancies for Jail Warder (Men Constables), 39 vacancies for Jail Warder (Women Constables) and 1,512 vacancies of Firemen.
As much as 10 lakh candidates applied for TNUSRB Police exam, however, only 5.5 lakh actually took the exam. The written exam was conducted by TNUSRB on May 21 and the results were declared on July 7. The Board shortlisted the candidates on the basis of TN Police exam result and around 68 thousand candidates were asked to appear for Physical Measurement Test, Endurance Test and Physical Efficiency Test (PMT/ ET/ PET).
TNUSRB Cut Off Marks 2017 for Police Constable, Jail Warder and Firemen posts
TNUSRB cut off marks 2017 have been officially announced by the Recruitment Board. TN Police cut off marks are different as per the post requirement and can be checked from below screenshots of the official cut off marks. The candidates can also find the TNUSRB cut off marks 2017 from official website

TN Police Exam Result – Final Result 2017
Just like the written exam result, TNUSRB final results 2017 has been announced by the Board in pdf format and as per the centers. TN Police exam result has been announced for all 32 test centers and the center wise list of selected candidates can be checked from here.