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Top 10 Strangest Habits of Modern Ladies

Everyone has these or other habits. There are habits acquired, and there are congenital habits, that are laid in the mind of a person, at the time of determining his sex. We will tell you about the most typical and incomprehensible female habits. And give you a ton of women’s explanations for each of them. Here are 10 Strangest Habits of modern ladies :



10 Strangest Habits of modern ladies

Habit # 1. We know what exactly you think at this moment or what you mean by saying this phrase. Girls are born analysts, strategists and experts on inferences. Nature has endowed you with physical strength, and us, with no less powerful force – with reading thoughts. And how do we grieve when you can not understand what we mean, when we lift our eyebrows like this … And you’re completely dissolving us when you do not understand that our “no” means “yes”! We are endowed with the ability to dig, understand, read between the lines, to seek connections and root causes. And this is not one of the annoying woman habits as you say, we call it telepathy.

Habit # 2. Spatial cretinism. Let me not know how to navigate the map, the globe, the atlas. After all, they can only confuse. I do not see the point in the line drawn on the map, which means the street, but it does not indicate where to go: down or up? How do I know if I am on the right side of the street or on the left? It is much easier to navigate through shopping centers, beauty salons, perfume shops, colorful big-boards and other places that denote the place and establishments. So stop complaining about woman habits and stop using all this nonsense stuff.

Habit # 3. Female habits may seem strange to you, but they are full of sense. We wear handbags, clutches and other hand luggage. A woman is a multitasking and multifunctional creature. We can watch TV, paint, talk on the phone, cook dinner and iron YOUR clothes at the same time. We involve all parts of the body in any process. We firmly believe that nature endowed us with the second hand not for beauty or symmetry, but in order to wear something in it. And, going out without hand luggage, we are attacked with panic and misunderstanding: where to put an extra hand?

Our “bag” policy adheres to two rules:

1) the larger the bag size, the more spacious it is, and, correspondingly, the more things you have to put there;

2) in the event that there is no umbrella, cosmetic bag, spare false eyelashes, polishing nail file in my bag, it will all be necessary for me: we will fall under the rain, you will invite me to dry and warm myself, I will stay with you for the night , and in the morning I can not do without makeup and false eyelashes, but after all the manipulations done to make my image irresistible, my nails will certainly lose their shine.

No useless female habits, only solid logic!

Habit # 4. Turn on your favorite TV series or talk show, while going into another room, talking to Mary on the phone, but forbid switching the channel. I already said that multitasking is my hobby. I have a great ear, and I picture it in my imagination.

Habit # 5. Go to the toilet with her friends. The most favorite place for discussing newly arrived guys in a company or a new girl’s dress at a nearby table is, of course, a room with a “WC” sign. For girls, this is nothing more than a bargaining point and a place for compiling strategic moves to neutralize rivals.

Habit # 6. In the winter I do not like to wear a lot of clothes. Snow, frost, we have a date. You’re in a feather-down, a hat with a fur hat and fuzzy boots. I am wearing kapron pantyhose, denim shorts, a leather jacket that opens the view of my charming navel and without a hat, of course. You look at me, and you shake with a small tremor, no, not from passion, you are cold for me. We must urgently warm, fatten and drink! Therefore, a walk in the park is canceled. Is everything clear now?

Habit # 7. Going to a holiday, apply tons of makeup. Three layers of foundation, eight shades of blush, eyelashes, painted with four different carcasses (for volume, length, density and with the effect of twisting) for us, the girls, is the same mandatory condition of the holiday, like champagne, cake and salute. No makeup – no festive mood. In fact all girls around will know: I have come not prepared, and it means – conceited, too confident in the irresistibility and in the own forces. With the lack of make-up, I challenged them and now they will try their best to prove to me the opposite. And if I do a make-up, you can calmly drink with your friends and do not be afraid that now a fight between me and the new girlfriend of your former classmate will begin. So treat this as one of the healthy female habits, buddy.

Habit # 8. To hurry up events. For me there is no more sophisticated torture than expectation. Uncertainty torments deprives sleep and appetite, I save my psychological health, so I want to get to know your parents as soon as possible.

Habit # 9. Buy tons of glossy magazines and read them (although on 200 sheets you can read only the numbering of the pages because everything else is pictures). Do you wonder how I, the head of the department of some serious company with three higher educations, allow myself to be glamorous glossy without a gram of valuable information? Everything is very simple: every woman by nature is esthete, we like beautiful pictures, we can look at them for hours, and pictures will tell us much more than you, men, texts and graphics.

Habit # 10. To leave everywhere hair clips, elastic bands, combs. Oh, you found my hairpins, nice, and I thought that there is a place where they go to die at my house.

Simran Singh
Simran Singh
I’m a Blogger, Website Developer and Web Designer creating awesome and effective visual identities for companies of all sizes around the globe.

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