Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) today declared 8th semester results. VTU 8th sem results 2017 can be checked at official portal now. Just as reported in the morning, VTU has declared revaluation results for 1st and 2nd semester (non-CBCS) students today. Watch this space for news and updates today.
Earlier today, in the morning, VTU declared the revaluation results for B.E. 1st semester students of non-CBCS scheme. That means, we can’t now predict when and which result is VTU going to declare. But, nonetheless, updates are always here.
VTU has declared results 2017 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester of non-CBCS scheme. VTU results were uploaded today at 05:45 pm.
As for revaluation results of 3rd/4th semesters, check the updates here.
VTU revaluation results for 5th and 6th semester students of B.E. have been declared at now. The announcement is in tone with what our sources told. The RV results of 4th and 3rd semester would be out within next 2-3 days too and 1st and 2nd semester’s after that. Follow us on Facebook page ‘VTU Today‘ for real-time updates and latest news about VTU and results.
Check the news here: VTU 5th/6th semester revaluation results
Result Link- Here
Our sources tell that VTU revaluation results of 5th and 6th semester may be announced on Tuesday. The VTU has not notified the status of any semester’s revaluation results formally at it’s website and the results might be declare just out of the blue.
It’s 14th June and VTU still hasn’t declared any of the remaining revaluation results of 2017 B.E. semesters. VTU revaluation result of first 3 years still remain to be out and for most of the PG courses too. Apart from MBA results being declared, we didn’t see much activity going on.
Earlier today, the Varsity update the revaluation results of 7th and 8th semester, which should further update the results of withheld subjects.
Another day passed by when VTU didn’t declare the results even when the officials themselves had said that all revaluation results would be coming by 12 June. We should’ve seen it coming. No confirmations as of now cause it’s VTU, will update if something comes up.
VTU results of revaluation applications submitted by students are expected today. As per reports coming in, VTU may declare revaluation results of only 5th and 6th semester today. Even though the Varsity had last week said that it will be trying to wrap-up VTU RV results declaration process by 12 June, we don’t see the chances of that happening today.
Yesterday, VTU MBA results were declared of 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester. Expect MBA 1st semester results also within a day or two. and MCA results are also to be out within 2-3 days. More updates will follow as we get them.
VTU is expected to declare revaluation results of remaining semesters (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th) today, going by VC’s statement of last week. Results of PG courses are also awaited. While we’ve tried to get some dates from the officials, all that is sure that results declaration process is supposed to be finished by this week since exams of even semesters are starting.
Come back here in the evening, will fetch some solid info by then.
As reported, VTU revaluation results 2017 of remaining semesters will be declared before June 12. VTU Vice-Chancellor had said that the varsity is looking to announce all pending VTU results before 12 June so that the students can take time to prepare for even semester exams. 7th and 8th semester RV results are already out and the issue students faced with withheld results, is also being solved on a daily basis. After months of problems, VTU finally looks set to make things right.
Next update will be on PG results.
VTU 1st sem results and 2nd sem results of non-CBCS scheme are out today at 12:50 pm for all regions. Results have uploaded on and can be checked now.
VTU results of 1st Semester B.E. (CBCS) have been declared today by the University. The results are available now at the portal
The declaration of VTU results for 2017 B.E. regular batch and of revaluation applications are expected to be all wrapped up before mid-June. The University is under a lot of pressure right now as you may have been hearing. Protests are being held state-wide against Varsity’s fee hike policy and also in support of postponement of the even semester exams. Of them, at least it’s official that even semester exams have finally been postponed. But that is another story. Here, VTU results today are expected to be out for the remaining region(s).
- VTU 1st semester results 2017 (CBCS scheme) till yet are out for 3 regions, except Bangalore. That should be out by tonight or tomorrow morning. Same goes for B.E. 2nd semester students.
- As for PG courses (MBA, MCA, M.Tech etc), the results were to be out by May 26 but this prolonged delay has irked the hell out of everyone. The expected timeline is within a week.
Latest news and updates on VTU results 2017 will be posted here. As for VTU revaluation results, we’ll update soon with correct info.
VTU has declared the 1st semester results of students studying under CBCS scheme today, but only for two regions. Kalaburagi region results were uploaded in the morning while results of Belagavi region were released at 10 pm. Results of Bangalore and Mysore regions are expected by tomorrow morning. B.E. 2nd semester CBCS results were also declared for Kalaburagi region on May 30 morning.
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) is expected to announce 1st semester results 2017 of CBCS scheme students today within on may 29 or May 30. VTU 1st sem CBCS results were originally scheduled to be out on May 26 but the University neither declared the results, nor notified anything. It has been a quiet 2 days since. While we don’t have any official confirmation as of this writing, but because it is Monday, so expect some activity today. We’ll update here the latest news and updates on VTU results today. Go here for updates on 2nd semester and PG results.
VTU has announced the 3rd sem CBCS results for all the regions today. Head towards the portal to access CBCS results.
VTU 3rd semester CBCS results of Bangalore region are expected to be out by tonight or tomorrow morning.VTU results of 3rd sem CBCS for Mysore region were declared earlier today (May 25) at 10:40 AM. We’ll update you here with the latest news and updates on VTU results today. We had expected results yesterday but VTU didn’t come through.
VTU has declared the crash course revaluation results now. You can check them at official site by entering the university hall ticket number.
Note: CBCS results are at, not at
If VTU declares CBCS 3rd sem results tonight, we’ll update here. This is your live feed on the topic. Comment below with questions or tips.
Visvesvaraya Technological University has declared VTU results now. VTU 3rd sem CBCS result has been announced by the varsity. The link to access CBCS result is given below. The CBCS result have been announced only for Belgaum and Kalaburagi regions.
Check VTU CBCS result from here

#The official website is down but we could see that VTU has uploaded the updated results of students admitted under crash course/extricating semester of 1st-6th. Also, updated results of few B.E. semesters have been uploaded. Not confirmed whether or not 3rd sem CBCS result is out or not as site is not opening, we’ll update.
VTU has again revised it’s schedule for results announcement. According to which, VTU 3rd semester results 2017 will now be declared on 23rd May, 2017. 1st semester CBCS results will be out on May 26, and there are no dates mentioned for other semesters’ CBCS results. Don’t know what to say, it’s good news or bad news. Good as in at least we know when the results will come. Bad as in, to trust VTU or not!

Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) will declare results of CBCS scheme students within a week, sources reveal. VTU 3rd CBCS results, 1st sem results and 2nd sem results of non-scheme as well still remain at large to be declared after many dates notified by the varsity. Sources further tell that it’s all a muddle at VTU amid all the proceedings of holding crash course exams, setting a proper time table for June/July exams, and the revaluation process which is still to commence for regular batch students.
That being said, expect VTU 3rd sem results, VTU CBCS results 2017 within a day or two. Below are the schedules notified by VTU which have proven out to be useless after all this time.
Uncertainty has again clouded the declaration of VTU results 2017. VTU were to declare the results of 3rd semester CBCS scheme were scheduled for 19th May but are not out so far. Moreover,, the official website is down time and time. We’re keeping close watch and will update first thing here today., website was down for past few days and is back up again. So expect live updates hereon.
The real problem is that VTU has revised it’s results declaration schedule three times, so we don’t exactly know what’s what.
VU results 2017 are being declared fast now and it is expected that some of the results would come out today. Though Results have been delayed a whole lot this year, VTU had given us the schedule (below), but the varsity is declaring the results even before prescribed dates. It happened in case of 5th semester results past week, and with 3rd/4th semester results of non-CBCS scheme yesterday.
#VTU site is down for many hours now (17 May morning). The varsity’s Twitter handle had some activity but is down big time.
#Time table has been revised for crash course examinations 2017.
#Academic calendar is also revised for Even semesters 2017.
Now, VTU CBCS results 2017 are remaining to be declared till date. Here are the VTU results expected within next few days.
•VTU 1st sem results (CBCS scheme) is expected around 20-22 May. In it’s schedule notified earlier, 1st sem B.E. CBCS scheme were scheduled for 20 May, and are dated for 20 May, as per latest schedule. Expect 2nd semester CBCS results declaration around the same time frame only.
•3rd sem results of B.E. CBCS scheme were slated for 16 May as per first schedule, but now this semester exams are scheduled to be out on 19th May.
•VTU B.E. 1st and 2nd semester non-CBCS scheme results are expected on or before 18 May, 2017.
•MBA/M.Tech/MBA results are expected around 22-25 May, 2017.
•All in all, the results announce for regular batch of B.E. and other courses as well is expected to be finished up within 10 days from now, going by VTU’s result schedule.
•Plus, B.Arch results of students under crash course are out now.
VTU has notified that candidates studying under crash course/extricating semester whose results were announced after April 18, can now apply for revaluation. Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) has reportedly declared the results of it’s third and fourth semester 2016/2017 examinations ahead of the schedule. As per updated schedule VTU 3rd semester results 2017 and VTU 4th semester results of non-CBCS scheme were to be published on May 16 but are out now. remains sluggish, so it’s unclear at the moment of exact status.
The results of CBCS scheme will be out on 18/19th May. Candidates may keep visiting this page for updates on VTU results today.

VTU 5th sem results 2017 are now out for all regions but official website for 2017 results was reported ‘not functioning’ at all past few hours. The site is working fine now though.
Now the 3rd sem results are scheduled for 16th May but it’s quite possible that VTU may release them a day or before the schedule.
VTU has declared results of it’s 5th semester for Kalaburagi and Belagavi regions, notably a day ahead of the schedule. Check now at VTU 5th sem results 2017 of Bangalore and Mysore regions may be out on May 13, the rest of schedule is given below.
09:10 pm, May 11, Update: Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) has finally provided the schedule for results announcement. Here’s that.
VTU 5th sem results 2017- 13 May.
VTU 3rd sem CBSC scheme results 2017- 16 May.
VTU 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th results of non-CBCS scheme- 18 May
VTU 1st sem CBCS results 2017- 20 May
VTU MBA, MCA, MTech results 2017- 24 May 2017

So far, VTU has published results of 6th 7th, and 8th semester examinations of B.E. regular batch and it’s still a long way to go as results of 1st to 5th semester remain to be out. You can check VTU provisional and class results of declared semester exams at We couldn’t update yesterday on time, apologies for that./
It is speculated that VTU 5th sem results will come next, hopefully over this week. Nothing is official though and you all know how it goes for VTU, especially when it comes to declare results. Even PUC results are out today but not VTU!
Not just B.E., results of, MCA and other courses also remain to be out. And the reports of VTU in financial crisis, of exams being delayed, of holding crash course exams, is certainly not good to hear. All in all, it’s going to be rough few days for you guys. We’ll keep you updated on more.
Finally, VTU 7th results of Bangalore region are out. VTU made the announcement around 4 pm. VTU yesterday, also declared the updated results of crash course exams (I-VI semester) but there’s still no words on the remaining courses. Days after days have gone and it’s already mid-May. There’re some reports that this semester exams of June/July session may also be delayed.
VTU 7th sem results of Bangalore region remains to be announced. It was speculated that it will happen yesterday, but of course didn’t. Apologies if you guys are rattled about this but VTU has not updated anything as of this writing.
If results come today, we’ll update first thing here.
VTU 7th sem results of Bangalore region are expected today since the 7th sem results of rest of 3 regions have already been declared. Results are put online around 10-11 am in morning or at 9 pm in the evening as per past week’s activities, so watch out here.
VTU 7th sem results of Mysore region are out now at 7th sem Results of Bangalore region should be out next, possible by evening to Monday morning.
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) 7th semester results 2017 are out for Belagavi and Kalaburgi region just like we had speculated. Now, the VTU results of 7th sem of Bengaluru and Mysore region may also come by today evening and tomorrow morning. Come back here in the evening for updates.
The results of B.E. VTU 7th sem of Bangalore, Mysore and Belgaum regions remains to be out. Expectedly, the results may be out by tonight or tomorrow morning, but there is no notice from VTU about that as VTU Results Declaration Has Become Absolutely Uncertain.
VTU Twitter notified that VTU results of 7th sem 2017 B.E. can be checked at by entering your university hall ticket number. Check the VTU updates today here.
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) will declare 7th semester results today at it’s official page ( for the students who took Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) seventh semester regular examinations in Dec-Jan.
The results will come around at 7 pm – 9 pm. Come back in the evening here.
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) is expected to declare 5th semester and 7th semester results of 2017 B.E. exams this week. The results may come out anytime within next 1-3 days. VTU will notify from it’s Twitter handle and also from it’s website Watch this space for updates.
VTU 6th semester results 2017 have been announced official today at 6th sem B.E. results can be accessed at official website now using their University seat number.
The varsity informed of the same via their official Twitter account.
VTU has released the time table for crash course exams 2017. VTU is conducting crash course exams for 5th and 7th semester students now so that these students don’t have to take two exams at a time. After the results were announced, all students under crash course/extricating semester know about their eligibility to the semesters they’re studying. Colleges know it too now. The results of these crash courses which will be held in May 2017 month (5th/7th sem crash course), will be out with the results of regular June-July exams.
VTU crash course revaluation results of application submitted last week will expectedly be announced before the commencement of these 5th/7th crash course exams. These exams start from 13th (practical) and 19th May (theory), so expect results before that time.
VTU crash course exams time table 2017