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Wearing Makeup Has Never Been So Easy! Know All About It Now!

Wearing Makeup Has Never Been So Easy! Know All About It Now! : As Marc Jacob says, “To me, beauty and makeup and color is like the finishing touch on everything” it is a must to know the usage of cosmetics to achieve the desired look. Wearing makeup can be quite tricky, and for those girls who always love to project a tomboyish or a “Girl next door” look, things can become a little more difficult.

Wearing Makeup

Well, it is complicated, but it is indeed not impossible. There are a lot of makeup tips and techniques which can be followed to get a perfect dolled-up look but, that can happen only with the right kind of makeup products along with their applications.

Using the right cosmetics is very important and mentioned below are the list of cosmetics that should be part of your makeup kit. While a few of them can get their hands on buying the right products, they may start pondering over the application, and after reading this write-up, you may be able to find answers to many of your questions.

  1. Skin tone is important
    Buying a branded cosmetic is not about the brand; picking a product which is suitable for your complexion is mandatory. Human skin tones always vary between the darkest shades to lightest hues and one has to be extremely careful while picking a bottle of foundation or a loose powder according to their skin tone.
  2. Repetitive swab test
    Once the right product has been picked, it is mandatory to perform a swab test. Take a blob of foundation and smear it well on the top of forehead and smudge it well. If the product merges well with your skin, then that’s the right one. However, if there are gray patches found, immediately try another product, and this has to be done until you get the right one.
  3. Loose powder does the trick
    Most of the lasses out there prefer pressed powders, but that’s again a wrong thing because this powder gives a patchy look and can wreck the entire thing. Hence, dabbing desired quantity of loose powder over the foundation does the trick. Also, remember to pick a powder that matches your skin tone.
  4. Primer is not only for canvas
    Are you planning for long lasting looks from your makeup? Then, you must certainly get the primer because this is one important thing required to get the right look. For people with oily skin, primer absorbs the excess oil and radiates the face by giving an ideal look. For the ones with dry skin, primer hydrates and keeps the skin nourished. Hence, this is one product that should become a part of your makeup kit.
  5. Kohl and Mascara are appealing
    Highlighting your eyes with different colors of kohl and mascaras can brighten the face and make you look gorgeous. There are many makeup tutorials like fabulive makeup which would help you understand the different ways to apply kohl to give brilliant looks.
  6. Lip gloss is trendy
    Using a thick bright brown lipstick can make you look aged. Usage of light hues of lipsticks can make you look a lot younger. Lipsticks combined with a little lip gloss will make you look angelic. There are many makeup videos on the application of lipsticks and watching these can help you understand colors in a much better way.

While these cosmetics make a way to your makeup kit, you also need to understand some of the techniques that can make you look appealing and help you carry that desired look.

  1. Moisturizer
    For people with dry skin, using a moisturizer before applying anything else can keep the skin hydrated and nourished. Also, you would be able to carry your makeup for a longer duration without any hassles.
  2. Use a brush for full coverage
    Are you looking for full coverage with your foundation; you must invest in a foundation brush. Fingertips can be used if you are aiming at a sheer coverage and remember to use downward strokes while applying foundation.
  3. Applicator matters
    Of course, the application of makeup is dependent on the applicators. There are different kinds of brushes available and especially for powder make sure to use the fluffiest of all.
  4. Blushes
    While most of them use blushes over foundation, you can always choose to do it the reverse way for amazing results. When you apply blush underneath the foundation, you would be able to achieve a natural glow, and this can’t beat anything else. Most of the beauty makeup artists these days follow this procedure to get the desired results.
  5. Eyeliner
    If you cannot achieve one straight line at a single go, use dots and dashes to get a perfect shape using your eyeliner. You can also check some of the makeup online tutorials to understand the different styles of applying eyeliners. Eyeliners come in different colors, and you can always choose to go trendy based on the occasion. Along with this, remember to use mascara and eyeshadows which can further enhance the overall appearance.
  6. For smoky eyes
    Many girls struggle to get the right look of smoky eyes. Especially while partying, smoky eyes are the best as it can create much impact amidst the strobe lights. To get the right smoky eyes, all you need to do is apply kohl on upper and lower lashes and smudge them evenly after water lining them. Once this is done, make a “V” shape on the edges of the eyes merge them for a perfect look. Add the right eyeshadows, and yes, you are ready!
  7. Dramatic eyelashes within seconds
    Are you tired of scanty eyelashes? Apply a coat of mascara and then immediately dust some baby powder over it and then immediately go for a second and third coat. This would instantly help you to get thicker lashes. Isn’t this a useful tip? For supplies for professional eyelash extensions click here.

Well, with these tips and techniques we are sure that you would learn a few things to do with your makeup! Having a makeup kit is not all that matters, but knowing the application of it and pulling off those looks with high confidence is what matters.

CP Singh
CP Singhhttp://www.cpgrafix.in
I am a Graphic Designer and my company is named as CP Grafix, it is a professional, creative, graphic designing, printing and advertisement Company, it’s established since last 12 years.

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