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FYJC: 11th admission first merit list 2017 to be out for Mumbai, Pune at 11thadmission.net

We’ve an update from School education board, that FYJC first merit list 2017 for 11th admission in the state of Maharashtra will now be released online after 7 pm, instead of the 5 pm time. So come back around that time for the merit list.


So far, it’s past 7 pm and mumbai.11thadmission.net has not published the merit list, it will be anytime but for that, you gotta visiting the official portal.

As for FYJC Pune, pune.11thadmission.net hasn’t even updated the status. No notice, nothing. So, it’s not known when will the 11th admission list of Pune region will be out. Expectedly though, it will be out around the same time as of Mumbai.

The publication of FYJC 1st merit list for Centralized Admissions in Higher Secondary Schools/ Junior Colleges will start the actual admission process that has been delayed by multiple extensions and some unforgettable technical glitches. Since the online admission process is being conducted separately for Six regions (Mumbai, Pune, Nashik Amravati, Aurangabad & Nagpur), the students will have to check FYJC merit list from the respective regional portals.

Earlier on July 4, the general merit list was published by all the Six regions and the students were asked to check the details mentioned therein. In case of errors in the merit list, the students were asked to report the same to their nearest guidance center on or before July 6, following which the correct merit list was published on the next day. Now, on July 10, the first merit list will be prepared and published online on the basis of corrected merit list.

FYJC merit list will be prepared by taking into account the merit of students, their category and the order of preferences of Junior Colleges filled by them during the registration period. As per the reports, total 2,36,166 students had confirmed their application for FYJC admission in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. While there are as much as 2.92 lakh seats available in 750+ Junior Colleges in the region, the cut throat competition for securing admission in desired Junior Colleges will be visible, many experts believe.

As the FYJC 1st merit list for 2017 admissions will be published at 5 pm, the students will have the time till July 13 to confirm the admission to the allotted seat. If a student is allotted a seat in the first preferred college, he/ she must confirm the admission or else the allotment will be refuted and the student will also be disqualified from the admission process. The names of such students who are allotted the college of first preference and those securing admission in the first round will be blocked for remaining rounds of admission process. If the students do not confirm their admission in the stipulated time, they will be eligible to change their college preferences for the next rounds.

For confirming the admission, the students will have to submit the Original Mark sheet of SSC, Original School Leaving Certificate and Caste Certificate/ Special Reservation Certificate, if applicable. The students will have to pay the full fees for securing admission in the allotted Junior College and he/ she will receive a system generated ‘Admission Receipt’ within specified time limit from the date of admission.

Since the last date for confirming admission through FYJC 1st merit list is July 13, the vacancy position in all Higher Secondary Schools/ Junior Colleges will be published on July 14. Also, the cut-off marks of the first merit list will be published on the same day. The students will be able to change their preferences from July 15 to 18, while the second merit list will be published on July 20. There will be total 4 merit lists for 11th admissions and the regular classes will commence from August 9.

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