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Skills Required to Inculcate in Children for a creating Entrepreneurs


Entrepreneurship is glamorous and trending thing these days but not an easy breezy thing for sure! However, the tree of business grows bigger if the skills are rooted deep in the childhood. There’s hardly any risk in sitting behind desk 9-5 than starting your enterprise! That being said, potential reward, power, and freedom are way more than what you have in the regular job.

Employees work on their weaknesses but an entrepreneur endeavors to improve his skills to instill in the business and be ahead in the competitive market. For this, one has to have an explicit knowledge of the market and should have a business mind which can be developed over the period.

That’s why it is advisable that your kid gets the hang of everything in the business through different activities and games since their childhood. Here are 10 ways that can help to build a business personality of your child.

1. Interest and Inquisitiveness

The tiny hands try to hold their entire world in the fist! Do not enclose your kids’ life in toys and TV! Pique children’s curiosity to explore their lives. When you generate interest in children in different new things, it actually becomes the wick in the candle of learning.

Encourage them to know more of what they see, listen and do. You would find them inclined to a particular area. Make them read newspapers, watch different infotainment shows, try to answer their ”silly” questions in the best way possible. It not only helps them to increase their knowledge but also creates a foundation of goal setting.

  1. Goal Setting

Business is an enormous affair. Goal setting is necessary to head in a proper direction. Guide your kids to find their aim and inspire them to reach great heights. Don’t let your kids live in an illusory world where they might get lost, instead, teach them to pin down their dreams and turn them into goals. Your kid will become determined with a defined life map.

Give them small goals that can be achieved by them with extra efforts. Reward them and let them learn from the mistakes they made in the process.

  1. Recognize Opportunities

Your chap might have found the goal in life. Different ideas would peek in, teach him to welcome these ideas and incorporate them as an opportunity. He should recognize the favorable circumstances and grab the best of out of it.

Do not force your ideas or concepts on your child. Create small events where they have to think and find a way out of that situation. Help them analyze the situation on their own. Help them see the tiny opportunities to improve themselves.

  1. Financial Literacy

When you’re talking about a business or entrepreneurship, you’re talking about money at the end, and hence, you should make sure that the child knows what money is and what it does in our life.

When you set the foremost background of financial literacy, kids understand its importance and head towards achieving the best results from the little task they do. Teach them important things about money. Make sure they don’t take a wrong turn and aimlessly run only behind money. There has to be a passion for running a business and not just for earning money.

Many entrepreneurs fail because they are unaware of this fact hence it’s very important to educate your child about financial literacy.

  1. Inspiring creativity will build marketing skills

Business does not mean only numbers to play with. It also requires creativity and innovation. Teach your child games and activities which would make him rack his brain and boost creativity and innovation.

Today Investors are always looking for innovative ideas and solutions to the problem society is facing. Conventional education system fails in developing innovative ideas in individuals hence it’s very important for parents to take responsibility for this and cultivate habits that will invoke and embrace creativity in their child along with improving their Emotional Intelligence or EQ which is a prime factor affecting your child’s life.

  1. Effective Communication

Persuasive communication skills are essential to building an impressive personality. The fundamental part of any business is selling. If you have exceptional selling skills, it takes your business to the next level.

For this, communication skills are fundamental. Reading, watching informative movies and documentaries, listening to great leaders’ speeches are few of the things that help to build outstanding communication skills. Besides, mass communication helps to gain confidence and create an impact.

Encourage your child to participate in school activities like elocution competition which enhances public speaking qualities. Make him involve in group activities where he will get a chance to interact with people from various backgrounds.

  1. Independence creates confidence

Spoon feeding to your child in almost every second thing will only make your kid handicapped but not a leader. He must have independence. It not only builds confidence but also makes him innovative and creative. Involving your child in different outdoor and indoor sports will make your child’s personality strong. Encourage your child to participate in outdoor competitions where he will be exposed to infinite number of learning opportunities.

Children should be allowed to form an opinion. Guide them with factual information and let them form an opinion. Help them to make decisions but don’t take their decisions.

Entrepreneurship is all about risks. Let the kids learn through their decision making power at such an age. With independence, you become self-reliable which ultimately opens hundreds of other doors which other businessmen may not have used.

  1. Importance of Hustle and Patience

Be it any job or any business you need to put in a lot of efforts to become successful. Especially in entrepreneurship field, there’s no escape from hard work and dedication. It would be great if your child understands the importance of hard work.

Entrepreneur’s life is full of hustle and at the same time it requires infinite patience. Many parents unnecessarily pamper their children which in future may harm them professionally. Ask them to complete their assignments and projects on their own with a little help from you only when they have tried all the possible ways and stuck on the problem for a long time. Even while helping them avoid spoon feeding and focus on guiding them.

  1. Leadership

You don’t need to be old and mature to become a leader. The qualities of leadership can be implanted in the childhood itself. Encourage your kid to participate in different competitions where leadership is required. Also, motivate him to become the class monitor and take responsibilities in school activities.

There would be hundreds of people talking about the typical 9-5 job and how it is secure and everything. But where else would you find job satisfaction of being your boss, complete freedom, and flexibility?

Quick Tips to implement in your Daily routine –

> Remove some time to have leisure time with your children on a regular basis.

> Praise them when they do something creative or show business mind. You can compliment saying, “I like how you did that, or you were brave when you did this” Try to be specific.

> Use a soft, trusting tone of voice when you are calming them down and guiding them while they are confused or low.

> Be a good listener. Use good eye contact. Try asking open-ended questions to get them talk more with confidence.

> Make sure they understand directions. Have them repeat them after.

> Give them examples of how you tackled a problematic situation. Be friendly while telling them. You shouldn’t sound authoritative.

> Look for progressive changes in your children. It happens gradually. So don’t expect too much. Compliment their behavior that is beneficial to being an entrepreneur.

Cultivating skills in your children will not just make your child successful but will eventually create a generation of entrepreneurs that will make the entire country stronger. Developed country is the one where Employers are more than employees and only entrepreneur mind can become a successful employer!

CP Singh
CP Singhhttp://www.cpgrafix.in
I am a Graphic Designer and my company is named as CP Grafix, it is a professional, creative, graphic designing, printing and advertisement Company, it’s established since last 12 years.

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