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LCET organised Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp in collaboration with TiE

NewZNew (Ludhaina) : Ludhiana College of Engineering & Technology, Katani kalan, Ludhiana in collaboration with TiE and PTU organised Entrepreneurship Awareness seminar at its campus .Key note speakers on this occasion were Prof JPS Sibia Head MBA  PTU Nalanda, Karan Checker Founder & CEO...

LCET organized a workshop on Financial Literacy

NewZNew (Ludhiana) : Ludhiana College of Engineering & Technology organized a workshop on financial literacy for students. The key note speaker of the lecture was Mohit Sehgal from NJ India Investments. This workshop enlightened the students regarding the need and importance of saving and investment....

LCET represent India at international conference at London University

NewZNew (Ludhiana) : Prateek Kalia, Associate Professor and HoD at Ludhiana College of Engineering & Technology &   PhD Scholar at Department of Research Innovation and Consultancy at PTU  presented his research paper at High Technology Small Firms Conference on Technology Based Entrepreneurship at University of...

LCET concluded seven days no fee workshop on PC 2 GO

NewZNew (Ludhiana) : Ludhiana College of Engineering and technology organized 1 week “No Fee” workshop “PC 2 GO” in the campus itself. It was organized to enhance the Personal and computer skills of the students of 12th class. Students from Various Schools like Ryan International...

LCET students joined saveme campaign with PPCB

NewZNew (Ludhiana) : Ludhiana College of Engineering And Technology Katani Kalan joined ‘SAVEME’ Campaign with punjab pollution control board. The students were given information about growing the importance of Neem Trees. National Green Tribunal Chairman Justice Swatanter Kumar exhorted the youth to take lead for...

LCET collaborated with IIT Delhi to work on Virtual Labs

NewZNew (Ludhiana - Aman Kumar) : Ludhiana College of Engineering & Technology, Katani Kalan in association with Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi & MHRD sponsored one day workshop organized on virtual lab. LCET is also now nodal center for virtual lab access. This Virtual...